Templates for windows


I am searching for the templates area on the site here for templates that are applicable to fiction and to nanowrimo.



It’s interesting to create a Project Template for NaNoWriMo, but what do you suggest is in there except a Session Target of 1667 words or rather a calculated Session Target to the deadline of 30 november?

The ‘Novel’ and the ‘Novel with Parts’ Project Templates are starting points for Fiction stories or… novels.

Found this discussion: NaNoWriMo template?
May be obsolete information. :wink:

We have always created a special NaNo template, shipped with the free version for that event, which has precisely such a setup (and the template is made available separately on the nano page). It’s calculated from the deadline. There is also a document template for “daily writing”, or something to that effect, that has 1,667 set as a document goal, for those that like to work in systematic chunks rather than off a big looming deadline.

Otherwise, it is just a stock novel template. :slight_smile: Not sure what else such a thing should do other than that. One might individually think of things they would like, and they are more than welcome to create their own NaNo template from the one we started, but I always encourage that with any of our templates.

That answer the OP’s question. :wink: