Text bug also on Mac

The error of text disappearing below the visible area on iOS (fixed in iOS as of this date) is also a bug on MacOS.

Sorry, I don’t understand this report. The bug was regarding how text slips below the on-screen keyboard on mobile under some conditions. How is that relevant to the Mac?

And if so, how does one achieve this condition?

The Mac has the same behavior as the iOS app. The same bug is on both platforms.

Are you using the Accessibility keyboard?

Or something else?

No. Nothing modified or added.

The reason for the question is that there is no on-screen keyboard on the Mac, except for the Accessibility keyboard. So it is unclear exactly what you are seeing, or how it relates to the former iOS bug. Could you post a screenshot, please?

I am frustrated, as I find the only clarity I can add is that I am using the physical keyboard on my M1 MacBook Air. What I am seeing is the same bug as described in the iOS post, but on the Mac.

Posting a screenshot would not demonstrate that text disappears, then reappears. I don’t know how to post a video of it.

Are we talking about the same bug? The one that I’m thinking of is this one, described by the original poster as

Result: When typing in a document, the virtual keyboard overlaps most of the current line of text so the user cannot see what they are typing.
Virtual Keyboard overlaps typing area on iPhone XR

Since there is no virtual keyboard on the Mac, it is hard to understand how “the same bug” could exist.

Without reference to iOS or any other bugs, how would you describe what you are seeing?

We can do a Zoom session, if you like.