Text cutoff on right side of page. Ver: Beta 64Bit


I have noticed that on some lines (not all) of text, at the end of the line (not the sentence) – the last character is not fully formed. On the page I am currently looking at the word ‘arrivals’ is that last word on a line. What I am seeing is that the character ‘s’ is not fully formed. I can see only about 1/2 of the ‘s’. That line, from left to right, has 93 characters. The ‘s’, of course, is the 93rd character with half of it missing.

Any idea’s? Any way to have that last character fully form? I just noticed that if I move the blinking cursor to the right of that last character (the ‘s’), the cursor disappears! Then when I move the cursor one more character to the right ( using the right arrow key), it reappears and moves to the next line blinking just before the first character.

I hope that’s all clear. Any help you can offer would be great as it is rather annoying to have half characters!


To workaround this bug increase the left/right editor margins with few pixels.

My current version: Beta

I merged 2 documents today and the resulting document had NO margins in the main editor. Other documents look fine. Just the one which merged two documents --both having the same margins as other documents. This workaround fixed the problem! Thanks!

Merging loses margins, still happens in Beta :frowning: