Text missing from backup

I’ve been using Scrivener on mac for about two years, but recently had to have my mac repaired, so I backed up my Scrivener projects to Google drive (it saved the entire .scriv folder with all the sub folders and .rtf content files, I checked that on the drive and the files are all saved there).

I transferred the files to my PC with Windows 10, and after a bit of figuring out what exactly to open, I got everything working on my PC, no text or notes or anything was missing.

When I got my mac back from repairs, it was after a factory reset, so I installed Scrivener on it again, downloaded the backed up files from drive (the exact same that I managed to get working in Scrivener on my PC), but when I tried to open the projects on my repaired mac, the text from all the scenes is missing.

I tried reinstalling Scrivener, opening different files in the .scriv folder, downloading the folder again, but it seems the content .rtf files just keep disappearing. Does anyone have any ideas what could be the problem?

I’m on macOS 12.7.6 and Scrivener 3.3.6.

Thank you!

This article from L&L Knowledge Base may describe what has happened to some or all of the RTF files…


By chance do you have a system backup (e.g. Time Machine) that you can restore from that may have the Scrivener project and/or the Scrivener backups (best if in “zip” format)?

Had you put the Scrivener “zip” backups onto Google Drive, this problem may well have been averted.

Thank you for the link.

Sadly I didn’t have the chance to back up anything other than my scrivener projects, because my mac was by then restarting so often even getting those files to upload somewhere was a major pain.

I’ll try to look if I’ve left a zip folder backed up somewhere, though I had no idea that would be the smarter move at the time of back up, so I doubt there will be anything… guess I’ll know next time.

Are the projects (remember each .scriv folder on Windows or .scriv container on Mac) are your entire project and (if nothing has been shifted out of those folders on your Windows machine) can be copied to your new Mac or moved over by other means.

Else find a third party tool to recover your files on your PC and work it from there.


If you can still work with the project on your Windows machine, do a “Back up to” making sure it’s zipped. Then transfer that zipped version to your Mac, unzip it and try opening that.



Thank you for the tips! I ended up copying the working files on my Windows PC to my mac through an external drive, and everything’s working now.

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