The status of the next update and 2.0

Thanks for all the kind words again!

André - see my initial post (under “What this means for you”) for the answer to your question. :wink:

All the best,

Let us pay for the upgrade already. I have no problem with paying for development of a tool I use daily. In fact, I would be eager to do so.

So let me already. Ok?

20$ are a good price for a seriuos upgrade of Scrivener like the one Keith described in first post (even if I bought a licence recently).

Here’s another vote for being able to pay the upgrade fee in advance to fund development. However, note Keith may let his new found socialism get the better of him and go out on a spending binge on Bond Street buying bling clothes for footballers, so lets not all give it in one lump sum!

I would like to play with alpha/beta builds when they are ready…

I’ll gladly pay for a 2.0 update later this year. I think it would also be great to see a 1.2 update soon, as well.

Keep up the great work, Keith. It’s very much appreciated.



Stop worrying about cry babies and get release 2 out! You live in a capitalistic society and should be paid for your efforts. Plus, the product is very reasonably priced. I bought my copy fairly recently and I would pay you $20 right now to have an improved version.

As the American comic, “Larry the Cable Guy” would say “Get er done!”

Please include more tutorial information about the preferences menus in the next update/version. Also make mention that changes to preferences will not be active until the program is shut down and started again. I just about lost it trying to create a blinking cursor to indicate my insertion point.

Wysong - could you please post suggestions in the Wish List area or feedback in the Feedback area? This isn’t really the place. That said, what you say is not true - preferences take effect when you click on “Apply” or “OK”. Text editing preferences take effect for new documents, which is covered in both the FAQ and Help file. The cursor should blink unless you set it not to via Preferences - if you have problems and require help, please post in Technical Support or send me an e-mail via the support address.

I’m excited with both prospects … receiving the next 1.x update with better Final Draft support … AND being able to pay for a future 2.0 release. Heck, I’d pay you now in advance if it would help you finish 2.0 and get you into writing your novel!

I’ll add my voice to the general chorus of support for a paid upgrade. I use Scrivener to collate research (I’m an industry analyst), and having tried everything else out there, I have found Scrivener to be ahead by miles. Nothing else allows me simply to throw stuff from multiple sources/formats/etc. together…it just works. Yeah, there are some rough edges…but then there are issues in commercial software costing many times as much. Indeed, the fact that pages can behave like folders is worth the price of admission alone…never mind all the authoring features that I never use!

Great software, changed my writing life. Would love to see 2.0 and pay (if you are only asking something fair like $20 - even having only just bought 1.11!
Bring it on!

I registered in the forum for the sole purpose of posting this to you Keith…

As somebody who has always had trouble getting his research, ideas and actual writings organized, I became, like a lot of folks on here I bet, a kind of writing software connoisseur. I have tested and used most every writing app, or writing support app (such as Story View, Writer’s Blocks, etc.) out there. I never found the perfect app. Never found the perfect app for anything - but especially not for writing.

But then I came across your app. It’s as close to perfect as I’ve ever seen. After learning the interface and features, I can concentrate on writing instead of the writing process. Would love to see a timeline built-in, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter a whole lot.

I’ve paid many, many times more in the past for programs that did one quarter of what Scriv does. It’s not after until one fully vests oneself into using Scriv that one realizes how much it’s worth.

For all you writers out there, like me, who have paid or can’t bring themselves to pay for another minimal piece of specialty software with a bloated “professional” price tag (Hrmph - Write Brothers), trust me, drop the money for this one, it’s what you’ve been looking for. This guy feels your pain.

Thank you so much for this software, Keith. It’s really changed the game.

So, yes, sir, I will gladly pay for 2.0, but thanks for asking.

No problem. :slight_smile:

I just came here for the first time after hearing of your software on the Mac Observer’s Geek Gab podcast. Having never used this software before would it be better to wait for the version 2.0 release rather than going through the initial learning curve to learn the current version only to have things change drastically with the upgrade or will it not be all that different?

The money is certainly not an issue. I don’t do all that much writing so I can wait but I certainly would like to ditch out on Word in Office for mac 2004.


Hi xorge, just download it and try it and be both entranced and hypnotised by the Scrivener magic. If you don’t like it as it is then you can wait for v2.0.

The refinements that Keith has promised will be squarely anchored in the interface that presents itself to you right now so why not get ahead of the game?

I would tend to agree with Lord Lightning.

There are a lot of improvements coming, but you are not talking about major interface changes like we saw with the last DevonThink update.

From what I have seen/heard, I don’t think there will be a learning curve for the new version at all, other than to remember to use the new functionality where required.


Many thanks again to everyone for their support - and especially to those who have registered on the forum just to say “go for it” -thank you! It’s certainly very motivating to know that users are so supportive. The 1.x update is nearly ready, with just the FCF support to incorporate (the code for which is already written), so there should be a public beta of that to replace 1.12 in the next week ready for it to be released as the last official 1.x release within the month.

To xorge and anyone else who is a little hesitant to buy now knowing that a 2.0 release is around the corner: I would recommend downloading the trial and seeing if it works for you. 2.0 certainly rearranges a lot of things - the menus are in better places (less cluttered), Compile Draft is new, and many features have been refined or improved, some replaced. So there will be a slight learning curve to adapt to he new version, but the underlying nature of the program and its core featureset remains the same and the main learning curve will be getting the hang of the program in the first place. Also, bear in mind that the trial version lasts for 30 days - actually longer, because it lasts for 30 days of actual use, not 30 calendar days - and that we intend to make the upgrade free for anyone who has purchased 1.x in the three months running up to 2.0. So, this gives you some options. You can firstly download the trial and see if it’s what you’re after - if not, then you can look around for other programs (check out the links page on the site) and forget about waiting for 2.0 (or look at 2.0 when it comes out to see if the improvements make it more appealing to you). If it is what you’re looking for but you don’t write much, you can always hold out a few months (if you only fire up Scrivener, say, twice a week, then you would get 15 weeks of use out of the trial anyway) and wait for 2.0. Of if you buy at the end of the trial period and 2.0 comes out within the three months after that, you would get a free upgrade anyway… Of course, I cannot promise that Scrivener 2.0 will be out by then. Certainly, I hope that it will be ready before four months is out, but I can see at least two months more of coding on the program itself before turning to the Help files, which is a month in itself… So if coding overruns then it could be longer than that. But I hope this is at least helpful in deciding what you would like to do.

All the best,

I’m actually glad to hear that it will be a paid upgrade. Not that I like to spend money, not at all, but it gives some peace of mind that L&L isn’t a charity and has a plan to stay in business. :slight_smile:

I agree with Gordon. I like my money, but I think $20 is a perfectly reasonable sum for such a great piece of software, actually I think it is a steal.


When I bought Scrivener, I thought $40 was a good price. After using Scrivener for a while, I now think $40 is a bargain. Amazing program!

Count me in for the $20 update.
