The status of the next update and 2.0

$100 is what I will pay for 2.0 just to show my support for this creative gem of software ! In fact I am so impressed with this company which just doubled its size to 2 people and maintaining a forum ! I signed up for this post …I got a laugh when I was sent an email to get my guardian signature…I born in 1966 but after Jan '66 … why I put a 1 in my user name since I signed up again !

But when oh when will the question being answered: when will 2.0 available? After all these comments I would love to have a copy of it!


André, I think the message is loud and clear … since we’ve all been standing up and shouting “Hooray” for Keith and version 2.0, my understanding is that he’ll bring out a 1.5 interim update based on the 1.2 beta but with those new developments that are working and that don’t need a major rewrite of the documentation sometime in the foreseeable future, i.e. the next few months, and then the full monty 2.0 later in the year when he’s been able to finish all the coding and rewrite the help system, etc. to take all the changes into account.

Sounds sensible to me!


Thanks Mark. So this means that I don’t need to hit the Check Update Button every hour…

Yup … as they say, “Watch this space”! :wink:


I have always said this next update should be 2.0 since it has so many new features!

And I pay more to fill up my gas tank once a week than it would cost to buy the upgrade so the price is actually cheap for what you are getting. :slight_smile:

What I would suggest.

(1) slate the next upgrade as 1.5 (to not confuse people with versions) and as a free upgrade BUT only include the latest bug fixes and compatibility issues for 1.11. Then FREEZE the features at 1.5 ( would be 1.13). This would give everyone a “newer” version of 1.11 but still retain the 1.11 look and feel.

(2) Take the current 1.5 alpha and rename it 2.0 ( of course :slight_smile: ) and continue working on it BUT come up with a feature freeze for 2.0 and look to release mid to late 09. Other features that keep popping up you could go ahead and set them aside for later upgrades like 2.1 2.2 2.3

That way bug fixes could get the .0.1 and features get get the .1 .2 ( example 2.0 then a bug fix 2.0.1 another 2.0.2 add a new small feature 2.1 another bug fix 2.1.1 etc)

2.0 already has enough features in it to be a paid upgrade easily. I would go ahead and start looking at a feature freeze for 2.0 and any newer features or ideas that pop up go ahead and slate them for 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 and so on.

Just my two cents. :slight_smile:

PS: 2.0 will be every bit worth it and I think the overwhelming support is just a small example of how highly people think of Scrivener.

I would even dip into my beer budget to pay for 2.0 because it is truly worth every penny.

Scrivener is the single best tool for anyone with the will to write. It is an extension of my creative process, nothing less.

                                                Pay for an update? Hell yeah!!!

Thanks for the excellent work Keith. I am on the bandwagon as soon as the update is available.

Cheers Mate.

Nathan Savage

Mr. B, no hate from this precinct. What I paid for Scriv back in the summer was too little for what i got. Seriously. I’m not made of money, but a great product is a great product. I purchased it primarily as a screenwriting tool. Something which would allow me to produce a certain kind of work- more loose, open and free, since I’ve taken a turn away from commercial-oriented, three act, s/writing rule-driven stuff. Scriv has even made me venture into short story writing, something I’ve neglected for some time. That alone is worth a twenty spot.

I look forward to the arrival of 2.0 I’m all in.

You’ve got my 20 Keith… I think now you’re aware you shouldn’t have even asked in the first place, right?
Scrivener is one of the best app ever coded on any paltform.

Ciao Keith!

While you’re doing all that coding, what are the odds of an iPhone app that could at least read a Scrivener file? I understand most of what you know about Cocoa is transferable to the iPhone.

I agree! I’ll happily pay to upgrade. Does this mean that Amber will be updating the icon for the 2.0 release? Don’t get me wrong, I love it as it is and all, but a subtle change to herald in the next major release might be in order. Nothing too fancy, just a bit of polish to reflect the new standard of excellence in the 2.0 release itself.

Try searching the forum for iphone.

That’s not a bad idea. :wink:


Bring on the charges.

I use Scrivener every day to make a living as a copyrighter. I depend on it to help me manage projects where the number of research documents and MP3 files that can sometimes number in the hundreds. No other program comes close to Scrivener in helping me manage my work.

My income may be modest, but I’m more than willing to pay what it takes to help ensure Scrivener continues to be available for a very long time.



I feel no backlash urgings. All of this makes perfect sense, economically and psychologically.

Scrivener is wonderful software. I depend on it for my living, use it every day, appreciate how solid and reliable even the beta versions are. It was an incredible bargain to begin with – I have paid much more for apps I use a lot less. So, you want a measly 20 bucks for all your recent hard work, in exchange for which I get an even better version of Scrivener? No problem. The app is so good, and you’re so modest in your demands, I can’t imagine any of your loyal users getting into a snit about this.

In fact, it’s kind of liberating. Now that I know the next big drop will be 2.0, I feel freer to make Utopian feature requests and suggestions.

Btw you write really well, so I hope your transformation into a proper socially-responsible capitalist will leave you with some time for that novel.

All the best and happy new year,



Good idea!



$20 for an upgrade to an excellent piece of software? No problem at all.

Thanks for all the difficult work,


I’m kinda upset that I’m not going to get all those shiny new features for free like you promised, but everyone should get paid for their work.

Twenty dollars is a fair price for an upgraded.

Is the full retail price going to be the same as the current 1.0 release?

I am looking forward to the 2.0. Keep up the good work.

Full support here. I think you will more than deserve the $20. Really looking forward to the update. Even for the minor updates like being able to colour folders etc.

Keep up the good work.

Scrivener is one of the best designed tools on any platform. I’d pay $20 or even full price for a significant functional upgrade (KB: you can hold me to it). You deserve compensation for your work. Unlike some recent “major upgrades” issued in the last few weeks, I am confident that when Keith tells us he’s going to add value, then he will overachieve in doing so.

All these comments makes the waiting for the update even worse; Keith, do you have a date when you probably will release it?
