Theme Background Upside Down?

For some reason, every time I load the theme, the pictures in the fixed-width background appear upside down and I can’t be sure why. I’ll upload a different picture and it still appears upside down even though the image in the finder is right side up. I tried setting the picture upside down but the photo is still upside down, but in a different place.

Is anyone else experiencing with this?


Yes it’s happened on all I’ve created and also ones I have imported

I recently downloaded the 3.3.6 version of Scrivener and now my aesthetic backgrounds that I’ve setup in Themes are showing upside down. I’m not sure how to rotate it.

Hi Readabookxoxo, and welcome to the forum.

Is the upside down image a background for the main editor?

If so, this is a known issue in macOS 14 Sonoma. We need Apple to release a patch for it.

Yes, it seems to do the same on the corkboard background and everywhere apart from in Project Settings when turning Scrivener in full screen.

Do you know when Apple might release a patch for it?

Unfortunately, I do not.

I’m that odd person who will test out lots of different softwares and apps on my machines. But, I won’t run beta versions of operating systems on my computers. Nor do I monitor the various tech blogs for possible Apple news.

I usually wait until the new macOS is released and then check some reputable sources to see if that macOS is actually ready for primetime before I install it.

One of my colleagues or perhaps another user might be more attuned to what Apple are doing and if this is something that’s been noted in the Sonoma beta testing as a future fix.

It works for me, tested main editor and corkboard, Scrivener 3.3.6 (16305) on macOS 14.1.2 (23B92) :thinking:

The closest thing I’ve found to a solution is taking the images you’re using and literally flip them upside down in an editing program like Preview or Photoshop or whatever you have-- then plopping them back in. Displaying the upside-down image… upside-down makes it appear right-side up hahaha

I’m having this issue as well, was there any sort of solve?

I recall another thread here which L&L says it’s an Apple bug. Search for that thread.