Theme question. How to set colour of card 'title bar'?


I’m using a theme which is a very simply modification of the default theme - the frame and the sidebars are dark grey, while leaving the ‘paper’ areas and the corkboard as per the default.

I prefer this to the ‘full’ dark mode themes, as I find I can concentrate on the ‘paper’ area of the editor better. However there is one part which I’m not happy with, and I cannot work out how to change.

When I create a new card it is very hard to enter text in the ‘title bar’ as it is initially black text on the dark grey background used for the frame etc. As soon as the title is entered and I press ‘return’ it’s fine - black text on the white card. But while I am entering or changing text it is black on dark grey.

I’ve tinkered with various bits in the Appearances tabs but I cannot find the setting which changes this what I would probably call the ‘background of the title bar when selected/active’. I’d like to change this to white, so naming the cards is black-on-white, even before I’ve finished and pressed return.

What part of Appearances changes the colour of the ‘active’ title bar of the cards?

I have screenshots which illustrate this clearly, but I keep getting a message “An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.”

Thanks in advance.

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None. You might set the background color of the line edit control in the QSS Stylesheet.

To find the QSS, unzip the scrtheme-file, together with a Palette, Preferences, and small Manifest xml- file.
The QSS follows the same rules as CSS, but has some extra features.

You’ll have find the name or place in the application structure to create a matching QSS rule, then you could adjust the active QLineEdit control’s background-color property:

The general rule is this, which works for every QlineEdit control in the application:

QLineEdit:active {
	background-color: red;

The rule specific for the IndexCards happens to be:

SCRCorkboard QAbstractItemView QLineEdit:active {
    background-color: lime;
    color: fuchsia;

Zip the four files again and rename the zip to .scrtheme.
Window > Themes > Load Theme from File… to load the Theme.
Restart Scrivener to see the Theme.

P.S. You can add an image to to show the link here until you have earned the right to upload images.


Perfect, thank you. That has solved it, and it’s now exactly what I wanted from the theme.

Much obliged.

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