Somehow Scapple’s update check didn’t get the memo. (Downloaded 1.4.2 manually from here: Download Scapple | Literature & Latte)
Oh dear… I didn’t know Scapple could do that. I would’ve used it way before now.
Can you please tell me, in a nutshell, how to fix a few past mistakes and make me financially independent ? Thx.
I prefer screenshots, if possible.
BTW, I look like Brad Pitt, if you ever need to include me in the said screenshots. Just use one of his pictures, it’ll do just fine. No one will be able to tell the difference.
It’s not a bug in the software, the updater files just haven’t been uploaded yet for some reason. I’m not sure what the hold-up is, as we’ve had the web site and MAS versions online for about a week now.
I guess it just slipped off of someone’s todo list.
How do you look like Brad Pitt and live in your mom’s basement? I mean…
All right. Just wanted to let you know about it.
How many novels did Brad Pitt write ?
Plus, you obviously have never tasted my Mom’s cooking and crustless sandwiches.
I ain’t even 50 yet anyways.
One of you guys made a really weird career choice.
Damn. Moments ago I was just mildly puzzled, and now I’m genuinely hungry. Why did you feel the need to drag crustless sandwiches into this.
(You started it.)
I know. He now has to shave every day. I bet he didn’t think of that… huh.
Not to mention that he probably has to cook for himself too. Lol. Talk about life choices!..
Apparently your sandwiches made a difference, Brad Vincent.
Generally speaking, people tend to be less hungry after they ate.
Glad I could help. (Although the goal was rather here to torture you, I’ll do with.)