Holy cow … I was just about to post the same kind of message.
I am VERY experienced at adopting and using new tool like this …
I downloaded the ios / mobile version, and … ugh …
I was scratching my head. What happened to all the hype and great things I was reading about.
Geesh … forget about the complicated stuff (like importing from other platforms - fuggettaboutit) … Just navigating this is like massaging a steel beam.
I created a note ,… then a notebook. I see them in the list - but I want to move the note into the notebook. I had to spend an hour searching the help forums and watch a video just to move.
Then the complicated stuff:
I setup, initially, to synch with Dropbox. But then when I saw how clunky that was - and how much of a nightmare working with a book with 10 chapters and 10 sections would be using the dropbox synch- I now wanted to just instead have all the notes local. What 2 semester university course would I have to enroll in, in order to perform this feature.
Man oh Man. I’ve written in Evernote, Notion, Word and so on … but all the while, I’ve felt like I was a slacker of a writer because I didn’t use Scrivener.
What am I missing?? Yeah I understand if I spend 8 hours reading through the forums and watching videos … but - wow - that’s asking a lot.
Please - someone talk me off the ledge!
The iOS version, which I use every day, is pales in significance to the macOS (or Windows) version. Consider it a companion to the real version for portable use. It is terrific, but has a small subset of capability.
Start with the Tutorial. We created it for a reason, and all of our other support materials assume that you’ve used it to familiarize yourself with the basics.
All your notes are local, always. Synching them to Dropbox creates a second copy on the Dropbox server.
(But please read this article, about a Dropbox setting that frequently trips people up: Errors Opening Projects Stored on Dropbox / Cloud Syncing / Knowledge Base - Literature and Latte Support)
Once Dropbox is configured, it’s pretty seamless. 10 Chapters is relatively small as Scrivener projects go. Full information about setting up synchronization can be found here:
The dropbox setup was easy - it’s just that, while using Scrivener - the dropbox “presence” is clunky and annoying, and if I am offline (like writing on a plane) - I am not sure what I might lose, so I wanted to CHANGE the setup from dropbox to local …
Again, your work is always stored locally. If you work offline, just resync to the server once you reconnect, and before opening the project on any other devices.
To move a project out of Dropbox (in iOS Scrivener), drag it out of the “Dropbox” section of the project list, and into the On This Device section.
The getting started videos are actually not that good - particularly if you are watching the ios “getting started” … sorry. It’s easy to watch them when you already know what you’re doing, otherwise, well, II did not find them too helpful.