Wish: When a document has no word target, but is contained in something that has a total target (i.e. counts that document’s content), show that target in the status bar.
this ^
I’ve gotten used to glance at that indicator to get an impression on how full a sub-chapter is. However, recently I started breaking up sub-chapters to have scenes in their own document (so I can use the format to put a nice break marker into the output.) Those scenes have no natural targets, as they can be any length, from the whole sub-chapter to just a few lines for a transition.
However, this means that I lost the word count target indicator. To get it, I have to go to the folder and switch it to scrivenings, or go up to the chapter level and look in the list there.
Thanks for the ideas. We might consider something along these lines in the future, but for now the “group target” design is very much tied to how Scrivenings mode works.
One thing that may make your workflow a bit more efficient though is using the shortcut for Navigate ▸ Go To ▸ Enclosing Group. Assuming you left it in Scrivenings mode, that should be all you need to do, and then if you want to go back to focusing on this one section, you can just hit the Back button or shortcut (Ctrl+[ / ⌘[). Naturally, once you’ve done that you could click the Forward button or shortcut to quickly flip to the larger target scope and back.
While I don’t use those shortcuts for this specific purpose much, I do use it extensively in Scrivenings, as I like to narrow and broaden the amount of text I’m working on. I find it has become second nature to bounce around like that, but I wouldn’t feel so if I had to do so with clicking and manual selection, for sure. With the shortcuts it just feels like another kind of “movement”, like the Next/Previous document shortcuts do, for jumping between sections in a chapter.