Transferring Manuscript from Mac to Windows

Hi! So I just purchased a windows PC after using macbook for a few years. I have two projects that I am trying to transfer to my PC.

I’ve dropped the files in my one drive shared between both computers and sent zip files via email. Both times I am receiving the following message, "cannot access : (my file name/location)

It’s not saying why so I’m confused on what I need to do.

Welcome to the Scrivener forum.

Re the transfer via OneDrive … symptom you report suggests an incomplete sync and/or the sync complete but some still “online” due to your OneDrive setting to leave files “online”. Scrivener needs all files to be on our computer, “offline”. On the Mac the project file is a macOS Package which appears to be a single file but is actually dozens/hundreds of files and folders. On Windows it will be displayed in File Explorer as a root folder with dozens/hundreds of files and folders not hiding those pesky details.

Re the “zip” file failing … How did you create the zip file on the Mac, and on the Windows machine how did you unzip it? By chance did you try to open the zip file in Scrivener before unzipping? You can use Windows File Explorer to unzip into your new Scrivener project folder.


As far as zipping and unzipping the file, my mac automatically created zip files when I would save. I used an extracting tool on google to unzip, saved it to google drive then downloaded. It still gave me the same message.

I’m not sure how i would go about changing the onedrive settings.

I have no idea about what an “automatic” zip on Mac is. Sorry.

I would have taken a new backup zip from Scrivener and copied that across to the Windows machine. Doing it via Onedrive should work ok.

I used an internet search tool “onedrive offline files” and easily found:

In addition, you might want to take a peek at:

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Actually I just fixed it by right clicking on the file and slicked extract all. Once I opened the file this time it worked. Thanks so much for your help!

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