So I’ve just finished a copy of a manual in Scrivener (iOS) created in Craft…
Do internal document links (ie links to different pages) not work when exporting to pdf in the iOS version? (Do they work on the Mac version?) Or is there something I specifically need to do to make this work? (the links work ok in Scrivener)
Is it not possible to create a ToC on the iOS version? (I can see from the MacOS manual that it _is possible to do this on the Mac version).
Links are purely a writing and editing tool in the iOS version, you will need a Mac or PC to do anything with them externally—and yes there are quite a number of options for handling them, there. They can be page number tokens, or references by numbering instead of by titles, e.g. “refer to Chapter 21, (pg. 372)”.
Is it not possible to create a ToC on the iOS version? (I can see from the MacOS manual that it _is possible to do this on the Mac version).
Well, unless you’re talking about the Pandoc conversion engine it integrates with, it doesn’t really create a ToC either. You can fake it though, with a list of links and page numbers, but it won’t update itself if revisions are made, either before or after compiling, and is thus mainly a convenience tool for proofing, as you can skip properly styling headings and inserting a ToC in a word processor every time you compile.