UK formatting for >100 chapters

Cheers - looks like it’s Apple messing with my juju. In future, I’ll use decimals, of course.

One of the biggest bugs is when I hear American news stations say “two-thousand five”, something spreading to the UK… Two thousand AND five, please…

– Ed


:laughing: [size=50]SCNR[/size]

Actually it refers to the correction cell full of your worst nightmares!


How did you get access to my spreadsheet? :open_mouth:

Just curious again :smiley:

That’s an average of 750 words per chapter. Are your chapters comprised of single scenes? Or several scenes?

Interesting! Born and raised (or “and bred”, if your prefer) in the U. S. of A (Charlottesville and Alexandria, Virginia, if that localization helps), and learned “One thousand five hundred and ten dot 35” was how to dictate the number 1510.35


I most likely learned my deviant ways in Virginia as well, hmm.