UK formatting for >100 chapters

Hey -

My latest novel has >100 chapters (140) and it renders the text as “one hundred one”, i.e. US-style, whereas in the UK we’d have “one hundred and one”. Obviously, I could have rendered it as numbers but I’m deep into an edit in Word. It would be useful to have some control over this, whether it’s a flag or a new code.

I could be an idiot and am not spotting it in compile or settings.

Keep up the amazing work - this app is my life.


That’s just the Apple system counter, based off of your primary “Preferred Language” in the Languages & Region system preference pane. If you set that to German, for example, you would get Einhunderteins. :slight_smile: So I’m not sure why Apple went with dropping the ‘and’ in there. I would have in fact said that “One Hundred and One” is proper for US English, too. “One Hundred One” sounds very awkward to me, but that appears to be the result no matter which variant of English you have set to primary in that pane.

It’s because Apple regards UK English and US English as close enough that they don’t need to bother localising - the same reason we have “Color” instead of “Colour” in all of OS X’s menus. But yes, unfortunately this is Apple’s number-to-language converter and we have no control over how it renders the numbers.


No! No! “And” is for decimals! Aaaaauuuuggghh!

What madness is this! I’ve always heard the and placed between the last grouping, such as “One thousand five hundred and fifty-three”. I blame my mother.

1,500.53 is what I saw…

I would suggest this is the difference in precision from “tech-weenies” who have spent to much time with math(s) in the more modern education system. It used to be the source of much angst between my tech educated father and my liberal-arts educated mother. She’d dictate a number, he’d write the check then she would yell at him.

Compare that to modern times where my wife just yells at me the throws the bills at my head…

Wha? Americans use “and” to denote a decimal point? Is that really a thing? I recognise the inherent sense of the American dropping of archaic spellings of “colour” and “favour” to return to the Latin roots, and using the Greek form “-ize” rather than the medieval corruption “-ise”, but using “and” to denote a decimal point is sheer madness, I tell you! The number you typed, Jaysen, is one thousand, five hundred point five three. Whatever next? You’ll be saying “erbal” instead of “herbal” or actually pronouncing the “hick” in “vehicle” and other shenanigans!

As an Australian, I’m enjoying this. Keep going…

Any other Aussies, New Zealanders, Canadians or South Africans want to pull up a bench and watch the fun? Bring popcorn!

In Stockportesian, we just say, “aproximately more-or-less give or take.”

Use numbers. Please. Everybody on this planet will understand “101”. :open_mouth:

What about five?

Now i’m confused…

Damn, beat me to it. Or maybe it’s ten in base 3? or thirty-seven in base 6? I’m confused too…

I was going to go hex and oct but I figured a but to esoteric. The fact you went to even less common bases makes me feel that I’ve lost some nerd cred…

OK, I correct myself: Everybody on this planet except computer freaks will understand “101”.

Oh, ok. So we are talking about Mendelevium?

Seriously though, the “and” deal really is beating into folks who are in the sciences over here.

Duh. It means basic introductory course.

Hi Ed,

Just curious, how many words does you novel have?

These ‘and’-freakers are messing you up. In everyday American parlance, ‘and’ only gets in for the decimal point if you are declaring a unit. Otherwise, ‘point’ is the usual.

For 1,037.2, one says “one thousand thirty seven point two,” but one could say “one thousand thirty seven and two tenths.” And on the same its-and-with-a-unit principle, for $1,037.20, one says "one thousand thirty-seven dollars and twenty cents.

I thought it was dalmatians.

Just over 105,000.

Sorry one hundred five thousand… :wink: