Unable to apply styles to multiple paragraphs at once

Hi all,

I’m having issues applying styles to multiple paragraphs at once. When I select multiple paragraphs, I use my keyboard shortcut to apply my selected style. After I do this, I am finding that the style only applies to the last paragraph of my selection. Is there anyway to apply my selected style to multiple paragraphs at once?

Thanks in advance!

It works at my machine. Are you on the latest version of Scrivener?

Works fine here too under Windows.

Not only that, I just discovered that the issue where a style couldn’t be applied to a bunch of paragraphs should one of them be already assigned that specific style seems to be now fixed. :smiley:

Perhaps that is your issue ? Make sure you are running the most up-to-date version.

I’ve just checked my version of Scrivener, and I can confirm that it’s the most updated version.

I’ve tried to apply styles to multiple paragraphs again, and the issue is still recurring :frowning:

Also, really appreciate the time you’ve taken to respond above :slight_smile:

Please define.

When you say “shortcut”, do you mean that you have assigned that specific style a shortcut, or do you mean something else ?

Here is a style with its shortcut :


Exactly that. I’ve been using Alt+Shift+9 for my style.

In this case try the following :

Create a dummy style. ← That, you only do once. This here first time.
(Create it using a font that you don’t otherwise use in your projects.)

Select your paragraphs and assign them the dummy style.
And last, with those paragraphs still selected, assign them the style you really want them to be of.

I’m not sure if I completely follow

I created a dummy style with a different font.

I selected two paragraphs (Ctrl + left click) and assigned them the dummy style.

Only the first paragraph of the two changed to apply the dummy style. The second paragraph was unchanged.

Ctrl+left click does nothing.
(You have to ctrl+left-click-hold+drag if you want to select paragraphs while skipping one. You only need to select a chunk of those paragraphs.)

Else, if they are sequential, just click-hold-drag across them.

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Wow, that worked.

I didn’t know there was a difference between ctrl+left click and ctrl+left-click-hold+drag

Is there a reason for this? What other functions does this apply to?

Thanks so much Vincent_Vincent.

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It is just that by control-click you add whatever you click on to the selection. But in this specific case, in the editor the cursor being always between characters, by not dragging over at least one, you actually add nothing.
The paragraph in this context is not in itself an entity selectable via this method. Unlike binder documents, for e.g., it is not “an object”.