Unable to install update

Hello. I’m attempting to install the update. I currently have I get the following error message:


I suspect this is because I have separate accounts on my computer: 1 with admin privileges and the account I actually use that does not have admin privileges. The Scrivener installation never asks to elevate credentials. If I try to “Run as Administrator”, I think it’s opening a different Scrivener altogether, as it then tells me Scrivener is unlicensed. It’s likely I originally installed Scrivener before creating separate accounts on my computer and taking away admin privileges from the one I use.

My computer is running Windows 11.

Any ideas on how I can install the update(s)? Uninstall and re-install maybe?


I’m a Mac user, but I think there were problems with the updater on 3.1.4.x. In any case, the current version is, so I’d download that and install it. Save your Options etc. first.

