unable to verify your activation for more then two months

Windows 10 Home 64-bit (current on all updates)
.Net version 4.8 Full

Scrapple: happens every time I open it
Scrivener: happens, but not nearly as often as Scapple

I’m having this pop up as well and it’s stressing me out. I’m in the middle of writing a couple novels! :frowning: Can’t figure out how to fix it and was hoping a solution was here…

Win 10 Home - Fully up to date.
Scrivener- Up to date

Sorry for the troubles guys. We are working hard trying to pinpoint the issue and will release an update as soon as we are confident with the fix. Scrivener should not block your work at the moment, but unfortunately will nag you until we upload an update. If Scrivener freezes upon startup, please do not kill it. Within 15-20 seconds it should recover itself. If you wait for more than 60 seconds, feel free to kill it.

@The Urban Spaceman: The “Project Writer” freeze is most likely caused by remote drives connected to your computer. If you access your project remotely via a network drive map and not directly on your computer, this is most likely the cause of the delay and freeze upon save.

I’m using Windows 10 with this issue and all up to date

Thanks, I’ll monitor the situation. It’s odd that it’s only just started happening since the last update, though: I’ve been using Scrivener like this (to try and make the most of the occasional sunny weather in the garden) for 3 or 4 years now, and this is the only time I’ve ever had an issue with accessing my files over the network.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the next update might just get things back to normal.

I just opened a case for this as well. I’m on Windows 10-64 with everything up to date. Maybe an update to Scrivener 3 might help? <hint, hint> I do love it but this is scary as well as frustrating, guys.

I have gotten the message unable to verify your activation for more than two months also. It says to restart Scrivener. How do I restart Scrivener? Scrivener for Windows says it’s up to date. I have Windows 10.

Things were OK this morning. I did have a few seconds of Not Responding as it tried to open but I did not get any licensing errors and was able to use the software normally after it opened.

I do not receive it every time I open Scrivener. So far it has only appeared twice, and I have opened Scrivener… well, at least ten to twenty times since the first warning.

I just got this pop-up too.

Hi All,

We managed to pinpoint the problem. Before releasing it to public, I would like to ask you to test it first and report your results.

This is a Dropbox link to a file Scrivener.zip archive with the Scrivener.exe inside:
dropbox.com/s/v6orz5b8aq4mt … r.zip?dl=0

Please, close Scrivener, extract the archive contents and replace the Scrivener.exe file within your Scrivener installation folder with the file extracted from the archive.

Start Scrivener as usual. You should no longer receive the nag messages. We tested it internally and it worked, but would be thankful to verify it with a small group of users before we publish the official release to a wider audience. Looking forward for your test results.

Thank You in advance!

Okay. I dl’d, (made a copy of the original just in case), extracted the new file, got a scary message from Windows telling me they didn’t run my suspicious new file, told Windows to run it anyway, and got this:

Scrivener shut down.

I started Scrivener again and it was in trial mode and asked me for my activation key. I dug that up and put it in. Activated okay. Shut down Scrivener and restarted … no popup!

So it looks to be working so far. But I’ll have to see if the message comes back. Ftr, I’ve gotten the message every time I start, so this is a very good sign.

Just got this pop up too. Waiting for verification that the DL works before I try it, since I don’t know where my code is (except probably buried in an old email somewhere).

Hope it just turns into a bug fix, or, better yet, the release of 3 will solve it, anyway,

I’ve had the same problem now on my PC laptop and Desktop, Current version Win 10 64 bit in both cases, running on SSD drives.
It seemed to kick in after the latest Win update.

An other user reporting in with the same issue.
I’m also on Win 10, fully up to date.

I’m glad to read that this is a known issue, being worked on though.

Have you made some progress with this issue. I still have the same message. Should I worry? What should I do? or don’t do?

I opened a ticket about this issue not long ago. I downloaded the fix provided in this thread and it seems to be working so far. I’ll post again if I see the pop-up again.

Edit: I went ahead and ran the program anyway despite Windows’s protests. You have to be on an administrator account.

I’ve downloaded and replaced my EXE. Scrivener starts without the error message. How can I verify that the activation is now working?

I’ve been getting this notification too. I’m less tech-savvy than some, so I’m waiting to hear more good results before I try to do this fix because if it doesn’t work I won’t know what to do.

Me too. I am tech savvy, but have better things to be doing :slight_smile: