Unknown error when import word file

Hello, Im trying to import a word file and receive an unknown error message. How can I fix this? Thanks Sara

Well that error message no help.

Exactly how are you importing. Menu command or drag and drop? Target the Draft folder or into Research? Is the file DOCX or DOC?

What I would do if this happened to me:

In Word if not DOCX save as DOCX and try again. If that fails, save as to RTF and try again.

Be sure that the file isn’t also open in Word when trying to import it into Scrivener; the file lock from Word prevents the operation from working successfully, and I don’t remember if there’s an error message or if it gets enough info from the system to say anything useful.

If that isn’t it, a screenshot of the error you’re seeing and the steps you’re following that produce it might help identify the issue. I’ve adjusted your forum status so you’ll be able to include an image in your post.

You can also try changing the import settings for the DOCX format (I assume this is what you’re using) by going to the Sharing tab of File ▸ Options. Under the Conversion tab, open “Import Converters…” and from the drop-down menu on the left, choose “DOCX”, then switch to the alternative setting on the right (the default is Aspose, so you’ll probably be changing to Microsoft Office). Click OK a few times to apply those changes, then try the import again.

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