Unofficial Scrivener Keystroke Shortcuts Guide

You aim to make guano targets of pedestrians heads. How is that pleasing?

Just try thinking like a pigeon!
We all know you experience difficulties, and usually get into trouble when attempting to think, but just try.

Do take care

Dear Kitty Cat,

While I agree with you that I have difficulties when it comes to imaginative interpretations of pigeon scratch, I believe my statement is defensible in so far as guano brain used “please” incorrectly. Given the context it the natural interpretation of this word implies the satisfaction or gratification of others. This is clearly not the interpretation that you are suggesting is appropriate.

Assuming for a minute, and I believe that this assumption would be safe considering the source, that your hypothesis is correct I would suggest to you that the flying feather duster should replace the word “please” with the phrase “provide self-gratification”. I believe that this would provide a more licid perspective of his position.

[size=60]who will be the first to notice? clangy? vic-k? dusty himself?[/size]

In the,‘self-gratification’, context, the statement:

, is correct. I would imagine, that, the chicken, finds every, ‘SPLAT!!!’, of the laser guided guano bomb, almost orgasmic.

In the altruistic context; once again the statement:

is correct.
A most bizarre facet of the vultures warped personality, is an apparently innate need to, periodically, do good deeds. This decidedly involuntary response to certain external stimuli, is probably triggered, by, and is undoubtedly, a by-product, of, a guilt-ridden conscience. Or even a futile attempt, on its part, at staving off its impending public plucking, by trying to ingratiate itself with the general Scrivenerati. Its on a loser there, and probably knows it. But! You can`t fault it for trying.

Then again, judging by its latest post, :unamused: above, the thickoe doesn`t know when to,‘leave well alone’

So…I reiterate…“Think like a pigeon”
Do take care

Just in case others don’t already know this: if something you want a keyboard shortcut for doesn’t have one, you can easily create your own keyboard shortcuts! Just go to your Mac’s System Preferences -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Keyboard shortcuts, and click the + to add a new one.

For example, I was using a lot of bullet lists so I created one for “List…” and now don’t have to select it from the menu.

I hope this is useful to some - I’m a new Mac user so I’m not sure what’s common knowledge, and I was VERY excited when I realized how easy this is to do on a Mac compared to Windows…

  • HF

I’ve tried this in other programs and to accomplish other task at times with varying success. In this case it is exactly what I wanted to do. I hated using my mouse to start a new list. but my attempts and mimicking what you did have been unsuccessful. What keys did you bind “List…” to?

Anyone have one of these for version 2? Thanks!

One negative vote. All right, Ebenezer…move along.

Thanks Wock, for your generosity in maintaining this guide.

If someone hasn’t mentioned it already, Dashkards is a program which can be set to display a list of Scrivener shortcuts on your Mac Dashboard.

Couldn’t remember it for the first post but KeyCue is another program which lists keyboard shortcuts across most apps. It’s shareware but very powerful and also a good learning tool.

Something which may be useful in this context would be to show how to create new shortcuts for Scrivener.

Apple has some helpful documentation online on the subject.

But there are some things which are not said explicitly there. For example, a sub-menu will work as well, as long as there is no other sub-menu in the application which has the same name. If you need a menu which ends with three periods… , i.e. an elipsis, then you often need to use option-semicolon for the elipsis otherwise the short cut will not work.

I use subscript and superscript a lot, so I created one which looks as follows.

To see a bigger picture, click this.

It would be nice with the ability to set back to “Use Default” for the baseline, but then we would need the menu item to have a unique name. As it is now the Ligature menu (and others) have a menu called “Use Default”, so you can’t use that. If the menu instead was called “Use Baseline Default” then we could set it. (But that I suppose is a feature request which should be entered on the Wishlist. :slight_smile: )

I could edit those menu titles. “Use None” would need addressing too. “Use No Baseline” and “Use Default Baseline” are fine, but what’s the best way of describing the default or none for ligatures and kerning?

“Use Default Kerning” / “No Kerning”?

“Use Default Ligatures” / “Use No Ligatures” / “Use All Ligatures”?

Is that the correct way to phrase these?

Keystroke shortcuts for Scrivener 2 are available in the Knowledge Base:

Could someone post up the shortcuts you can use on Scrivener for iOS? I think that would be better, as you can’t use a mouse, and hence have to heavily rely on shortcuts, much more than you would on a desktop app.

never mind, found it. … s-gestures