Update fails

When attempting to update Scriverner for Windows for the newest release, it downloads the update, but then just closes the program and fails to complete the update. I can reload Scrivener, but it is the old version. Tried repeating the process, but always the same results.

I haven’t updated yet, but can you find the file it downloaded and execute it?

me too…every time I open up Scriv 1.90 - it offers me the chance to update and yes, I do the d/; then the install…and it just closes Scriv.

when I re-open Scriv - it says do I wanna update again?

from what I see (win10 here) there is NO file that is d/l at all…ie my download folder gets no new items…


this needs a fix please…

Have you tried a direct download of the file from the L&L site?

disappointed really…not about the App–but about whomever is the update mgr person – you should ALWAYS provide a real live URL to d/l the update itself and that’d allow us to go and get same…

your update installer sucks…at least on my own win10 box–and from what i see on the forum, others too have had an issue with same…

great app–poor support personnel…

If the update fails, download the full installer from the web site and install it. This should work for everyone who has issues with the update installer.

There is also an option within the Tools > Options > General tab saying: Automatically check for updates:…
You can use this option, if you do not wish to Update to the newer version and do not want to get an Update prompt continuously.

I have the same issue! Is not working, not charning, nothing. I re-installed the program twice and is not working.