User Manual Request

I am one of those users who actually does RTFM. Thank you to the writers of the user manual. I appreciate having it.

I know that some of the functionality documented in the manual is not yet active in Scrivener and won’t be for version 1.0. Would it be possible for the manual’s authors to gray-out the text for those sections that describe functionality that is not yet implemented so I don’t waste time wondering why my software can’t do what the manual says it can?

The graying-out is just a suggestion for how to handle it. You can no doubt think of something more elegant.

thank you again for your hard work!

Actually the current preview version of the manual is not a good example as it contains both mistakes and projected 1.0 features which may not be in right now, but will be. This is exacerbated by a huge round of interface changes which have been ongoing, and so further work on the Windows side would be wasted effort as much will need to be changed as the menu names and such are revised. So right now it is definitely under construction. :slight_smile: As for actual stuff that isn’t in and won’t be for 1.0, if there are cases like that then they are mistakes. Both user manuals come out of the same .scriv project. In some cases, sections are specifically Mac or Windows, but in the majority of cases both texts exist together and where necessary, pieces have been commented out if they don’t pertain to the target version. Where this happens 9 times out of 10 are keyboard shorcuts and menu names. Here is an example:

As you can see, most of the text is the same for both pieces of software. When I compile for the Mac only the pink text shows in the PDF; blue only shows up in Windows. Editing and proofing can be done once for the majority of the project. But this also means that stray sentences and even paragraphs might have been missed in the first sweep, and bits and bobs that should be hidden on the Windows PDF end up coming through.

For now though, take the user guide in the same vein as the beta. It’s not all there yet, and what is there might not be right.