Using full "hot" manuscript during my trial period

Hi. I am a fresh user, recently downloaded the softwear for a trial period. I am pretty sure I will continue using it after the free period. I have been working with my novel-manuscript for quite some time i MS Word and I am guarding it as I did my first born. To my questions: Is it wise to use my “hot” manuscript in the trial - period? Will there be a seamless transition into the full version? Is my manuscript safe? Very grateful for any input. Mariann

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P.S. I will, of course, also safe my document outside Scrivener.

The trial version of scrivener is exactly the same as the full version. The only difference is that after 30 days of use the trial version will ask for a license key. Once you purchase that, the software will continue to work as before.

Your manuscript is safe - just note the guidance that if you are using any sort of cloud software on your computer (DropBox, OneDrive, ICloud) and writing in folders which sync to the cloud, make sure that you have your settings to keep all files stored offline as well.


Many thanks for a quick response, Rolando! Ca I ask you a related question as well: I noticed that I´m working in “Scrivener intro. scriv” mode. Will this change when in full version? Or, have I started working in the wrong mode?

Hi Marman,

I am afraid that I am not an expert - just a user. As far as I know there is no Scrivener intro.scriv mode. It might be that you are looking at the interactive tutorial, but I can assure you that the mode will not change when you have the full version.

If you are not in the interactive tutorial I strongly suggest you open it to get an idea of the main concepts of scrivener.

I hope that some more experienced users (and indeed LL staff) will be able to help more. You should also mention if you are on windows or mac. Some things look slightly different in between the two versions.

You need to create a new Project Template and import your word document into Scrivener. I have a bunch of articles on Scrivener on it. I included a link on how to create a new Project Template that you could use to import a copy of your word document.


In addition to @Rolando’s comments, do not use any third party sync service unless you have purpose. And as @rolando says and if you have purpose, setup the sync correctly per guidance on L&L’s web site. Finally, ensure you setup backups and that these backups are both automatic and backed-up by your own backup regime (many believe, including me, that backup to sync services not sufficiently robust).