Vellum compile format not creating vellum styles in word document.

I have two questions about this:

Because of deadlines I’m abandoning my original plan to use scrivener to create latex and epub files. So I decided to try to use Vellum instead since Scrivener appears to have a compile format for that. However, when I compiled using that format Vellum failed to recognize the styles,

I opened the compiled document with word, and found no Vellum styles in the document. I thought this might be because the normal word template didn’t contain those, so I imported all of the Vellum styles into the normal template, and found that a new document showed those. Then I tried again, but still no vellum styles showed up in the exported document–even though they are clearly in the vellum compile format.

So my two questions:

First, is the labeling of styles for word (and the overide function of those names used in the Vellum format) something that just doesn’t work yet in the beta?

Secondly, if that is the case, will a book written in the windows beta open correctly in the mac 3.x version at this point? (I’m already renting a mac, in order to run Vellum, so I’m wondering if it’s just worth the investment to buy a mac license for Scrivener to install there in order to export the book.)

My ongoing thanks for the amazing help this forum provides.

What Vellum format?

It should open in Scrivener 3.x for Mac and be able to compile from there without the need to go to Vellum.

Hi Jestar,

Thanks for your response.

If you click on “Microsoft Word (.docx)” in the “Compile for:” list, I think you’ll see a Format in the left panel named “Vellum Export” In my copy of the Windows Beta, it’s the last one listed–just about where “Script or Screenplay” is located in your screenshot.

Okay, I see it now. Only available when you select the Word (.docx) format. I wonder if the issues you are having is due to the styles issues noted elsewhere here concerning the .docx export/compile? I’m thinking the export of the styles is still not fully vetted in the beta. I’d definitely try to use the Mac Scrivener to output your work if you are under a time crunch.

The problem is that the style name isn’t being imported. After some tinkering (I had to turn off the “include styles information in exported file” option and turn it on again) I now have the formatting for those styles showing up in the word document.

The bug–or so far unimplemented feature–is that the style name isn’t imported to word. Since that is the simplest way to get Vellum to recognize parts of the book, it would be very nice if it were.

My wild guess is that it’s something like a similar problem I had a while back with e-pub compiles: Scrivener is just ignoring the “Overide Name” entry.

At this point I think would relabel this a bug–If I knew how to do that…

Okay–I can narrow that down a bit. But it is definitely a bug (or as yet unimplemented feature).

Two points, the first for others who are trying to do something similar, and the second about what actually isn’t working in the current version (23)–

1) For those who are trying to use the Vellum export format, the thing I missed was that you need to actually go into the section format page (for Chapter, for example), highlight the title in the formatting field, and assign it to the style (e.g. "Chapter Title’ that you want to use. (This is not the “Vellum Chapter Title” style, but rather simply the Scrivener “Chapter Title” style. The Vellum Style name should be entered as an override in the “Chapter Title” page under the “Styles” section.) Don’t count on Scrivener automatically formatting the Chapter Titles, etc. for Vellum.

If you do this much in the current version, and have assigned that section format to whatever you call your section in Scrivener, you should get title styles in your .docx file that are named “Chapter Title” for now.

Once this is fixed you should get styles in the .docx file named “Vellum Chapter Title” But it doesn’t do that part yet. I’ve tested this on a mac, though, and that is how it’s supposed to work.

The other thing that I didn’t realize until I experimented is that in order to apply a new style in compile, you have to first create it in the editor, so that you can add it to the compile styles section. This is true even of styles which are only assigned in the compile process. So that may save you some time, figuring that out.

2) So that’s the bug, or unimplemented feature: Scrivener ignores the override name when exporting at this point.