View Sub-documents as scrivenings in Quick Reference

Is it possible to open multiple documents as scrivenings in a single quick reference window?

I have my chapters as folders with individual scenes as sub-documents. Is there a way to see an entire chapter in a Quick Reference window like I can in the main editor?

Sorry, no. Quick Reference panes can only open individual documents.

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It would be such a great feature. Quick reference is already fantastic in that it allows integration of multiple documents seamlessly, for compare, contrast, editing between different files in real time, etc. but it is laborious to pull each subdocument into its own quick reference. My wish would be to create a special quick reference for folders that shows all the subdocuments. This would be especially useful for those who have several 4K 43 inch monitors and like to see everything open at once.

It would also be nice for there to be a button on the quick link that automatically activates the document it belongs to, for editing on quick reference is limited, and it would be nice to quickly get back to the actual document, to add footnotes, for example.

Figured this one out. Use the command key and click on the title, and the document’s path includes the document from whence the file came.

It is possible to select multiple files and have all the documents open in one tabbed quick window at the same time. It’s not as convenient as scrolling down one multi document compilation, but it gets close enough.