Welcome to the all-new all-singing updated forums

Um, on second thought, not so great. When I click on the new topics link, I’m taken to the head of that topic, not its tail. So I have to click through all the pages to find the latest Vic gibberish on psychotherapy. In the RSS feed, I always got the latest on a topic right away. I would still prefer that format and hope KB can get to it soon.

You can click on the little numbered boxes in the lower left corner of the thread box on the search page to go directly to a page. The last box will always contain the last post. So vic-k’s last ramble will be on the “5” box in the Free thread.

I read that and it makes sense to me. I hope it does to you. If not let me know and I will try again.

BTW I am not advocating no RSS, just providing a workaround for now.


Regarding the quotes button: that is just the standard prosilver button and I’ve changed none of the buttons. And I don’t want to waste any more time on forum design, as there is a lot to do on Scrivener 1.2. If anyone really feels strongly about it, feel free to edit the button yourself and send it to me - I’ll certainly be happy to replace it so long as it still fits in with everything else.

As for the BBCode - strange one, this. It seems that in the posts I have looked at where this wasn’t working, “Disable smileys” and “Disable BBCode” were checked at the bottom. Not sure if this is a default setting, but those aren’t checked by default as I’m writing this…

And as for RSS - the RSS feed on the old forum was a mod; it’s not standard phpBB, and it was for 2.0, not for 3.0. There is a new syndication suite for 3.0 by the same guys, I think (here), but it’s only at RC1 at the moment, so I am a little reluctant to install it whilst it is still in the testing phase.

The last week has been a lot of work. Not just on the forum… Just wait until you see what Scrivener 1.2 will bring…

All the best,

Thank goodness we are back on line. I was starting to go into serious withdrawal. The new forum looks great. Glad to not have all those server errors!


Droo –

Point taken. My mini-rant was tongue-in-cheek – and no, I cannot communicate in a straight line, without digressions and asides (and parentheticals), any more than I can eliminate compound words – and intended only to forestall further minimization of the language (which must not – obviously, I trust – be confused with the sensible and sensitive pruning – editing if you will – so essential to effective prose).

[This post has not been edited.]



New forum is gorgeous.

Glad to have everyone back.


Damn it, now that you drew my attention to it, it turned out that I didn’t like that opening quote without a closing one, either… Hence I changed it.

Now, I just had a “failed to connect to database” error a moment ago when I updated the icon… This worries me a lot. The forum is running a lot more quickly, but I hope the failure to connect to the database for a moment isn’t a sign that the old problems are going to return…


Does this mean certain forum topics? I see we are missing quite a few of the old threads. I’m not pushing or anything, just need clarification. Thanks!


No, it has nothing to do with threads. All of the old threads should be here, but, as I said in my original post, there were certain problems when updating and some threads may have been truncated. Which threads do you mean? We may just have to live with it, of course, as I’d rather turn to Scrivener 1.2 now…

Actually, on the New (to you) Topics page, the numbered boxes just take you to the different pages of the thread. If you really want to get to the last post on a thread, you want to click on the document icon next to the last posters name.


Forum notes for a post-Scriv-2.x forum-adjusting jag:

a) Yup, BBcode is stubbornly OFF and there seems no way to switch it on (my profile says it should be on by default).

b) On the old forum, subject lines for individual posts defaulted to empty. This seemed less redundant than the current default here which repeats the thread subject string over and over. Something to consider.

P.S. I can see I am going to need a higher resolution graphic now. Are all the avatar graphics rendering larger now?

Interesting… Since upgrading to phpBB 3.0 I’ve been noticing Yahoo [Bot] and Google [Bot] in the user list consistently. Obviously, this is the search engines indexing the site. There have been seven bots on the site today, and the Yahoo and Google ones are ever-present. Looking it up, it turns out that the Google bot can make a new page request every second of every day, putting a lot of load on the database and server… So, I wonder if this was the problem with the old board? (phpBB 2.0 didn’t list the bots in this manner.) Anyway, I’ve now disallowed bot access to the forum - I don’t think it really needs indexing with Google given that users will know to come here if they have a Scrivener problem anyway - so hopefully this will improve things, too.

All the best,

Wonderful. I think that is new to phpBB3. Or I could be an idiot.


Greg wins the “best forum tip of the day” award. Luckily for KB this message constitutes the award in its entirety.


Thanks Keith, and I hope the security issues are easier to handle

Hmm I may decide to try this once again at the ol´website

Thank you Keith. I have to say that I rather thought you wouldn’t like it, hence the comment in my earlier post.

As for the BBCode, my profile has it on by default; in this “post a reply” window it is OFF for me this morning but it was on yesterday evening, so there’s obviously something going on there.


Keith, it’s just struck me … on the BBCode thing, it seems to be more complex and individually forum or thread based. In my profile I have BBCode turned on by default. In this “Announcements” thread BBCode is off and there’s nothing I can do about it. On the other hand in the “Writing/Writer’s Block” forum and elsewhere, BBCode is on for me …

I would only classify myself as a pseudo-nerd, but a thought that strikes me is that perhaps the threads where it is off are ones which were started on this new board before you got BBCode turned on as a whole, like this “Announcement” thread; that in someway the result is that it is turned off for the thread as a whole, irrespective of who’s posting and what their settings are. Any mileage in that?


Good to see you back up, Keith.

But couldn’t you have left the lights out a little longer so that vic-k couldn’t follow us??? :slight_smile:

Please excuse the moron factor (that would be me I’m referring to). I was clicking on the Scrivener link instead of the Board Index. So…never mind…

Okay, so I’m looking at the board index categories and I see Coffee and Hot Cocoa but no…what am I going to say??..GREEN TEA! Must I keep demanding recognition on this forum!? What will it take to have you all take seriously the pervasiveness and importance of green tea as a writer’s beverage? All the antioxidants in green tea that keep the mind and body clear and ready for more writing?? The delectable sweetness of Jasmine; the strong but deliciously fragrant taste of Jade Bamboo; the acrid but gutsy bitterness of Green Gunpowder?? People, wake up and smell the green tea! Geez… :smiley:


Mr Matt,
Cats can see in the dark, we dont need lights. My human will be be reassured to know you are as sharp as ever, though, when he recovers.
