Welcome to the all-new all-singing updated forums

Alas I wonder back to the forums and an overhaul has occurred. I fear my procrastination may increase. I like the look of 3.0 and the new host seems much faster.

Cool! Nice new forum. Missed the update since, like Druid (I think), I was relying on the RSS feed. I’m crying a bit over that loss. Hope it will be back soon, since it was so convenient.


Hear you loud and clear. Green tea, black tea, herb tea; they are all good for the writerly brain. BUT. Recently I had a case of viral laryngitis that left me hoarse for several months. My doctor said that caffeine makes vocal cords swell, so perhaps I could give it up for a while. Yipes. We’re talking many decades here of swilling coffee, tea, and cola. But I did, and the results have been amazing. No more insomnia, night sweats, irritability, or jumpy attention-deficit. I drink a few cups of herbal tea a day, with a little milk, no sugar. Friends think I’ve had a personality transplant. Vic now seems like a hilarious savant. Soon I will give away my estate and sink into bland tranquility. The voice is back. I may never write again.


the tree hugging hippy wrote:
“BUT. Recently I had a case of viral laryngitis that left me hoarse for several months.”

Be careful what you swallow?

listen up and listen good, y feckless freakin feathered felon!!! when Mammy Jameson gets her hands around your scrawny neck, you wont be able to swallow diddlyshit!! All this crap that`s going down is your doing!!
Le D

Keith, today’s the first time I come to your forums. I came to post a reply to someone. After posting it, I decided I wanted to browse the forums a bit, because I felt its visuals were inviting, and ouch, it’s the best-looking forum I’ve ever seen! Plus, I like the tone of the contributors, including you. I don’t plan on hanging up much here or in any other forum, but if I needed/wanted to, I’d feel at home here. Cheers/congratulations!

Thanks Daniel! Actually, one of the nicest things about working on Scrivener has been the community that has built up around it…
All the best,

I’m crying over the loss of the RSS too. It took me a while to realize that I wasn’t getting the feed and then I went searching and found out how lovely the new digs look but not all the plumbing is working!

I too find RSSs very useful. I used to check new forum messages when checking the news, and this was a very fast, very effective way of getting up to date with the forum. If I shout louder, maybe we can have the RSS feed back?


Please see my earlier reply regarding RSS.

I take it back. He’s been drinking that Stockpond swill again.

Keith, personally, my habit, most often, is to first do a Google search when I need support. I often find information related to software support on blogs, so I don’t have this direct forum searching habit. In fact, before I created my first forum in 2003 for a group, I didn’t like to read forum threads that much when I was searching for something. I believe it’s because it often felt too casual and informal. I would often find more useful answers elsewhere. I liked much more when I could find something through a knowledge base. Now that I’m used with forums, I will sometimes search first in forums, but even then, not always. For these reasons, and because I believe I might not be alone to feel this way, I suggest you reconsider your decision on that regard. Google often brought me to useful forum tidbits in the past.

Mr droo wrote:

[quote:I take it back. He’s been drinking that Stockpond swill again.[/quote ]
Alas Mr droo,
My human isn`t drinking anything at the moment, except sips of tea or the odd glass of spring water.

Misdemeanours and offences, committed in his name, on board Scrivener, are perpetrated by the Gallic Ghost…Le D. One whose comeuppance, is almost to hand.
Do take care Mr droo

I realized something had been missing in my life for the past week-- L&L! And as a consequence, sleep deprivation! I monitor the forum (and much of my online info) via RSS and add my vote to bringing it back, but I must confess t hat I probably got another dozen hours of much needed sleep over the last week because I didn’t have to wade through so many L&L posts. that’s the curse of having so many interesting characters and info around here. I do hope RSS returns after we’re out of beta but will try the workarounds until then.

There was a way that you can set the robots.txt file to allow only certain parts or files to be indexed (Google bots, Yahoo bots) and not index individual pages by editing the robots.txt file…

I haven’t dropped by the forums in a while, but I think the new look is real nice.

Keith, huge thumbs up for all the work you’ve put into developing Scrivener and supporting this forum. I, for one, really appreciate your efforts.

Hey Keith –

I don’t want to be a pain regarding the RSS feed, but DEVONthink Technologies just updated their forum to phpBB 3.0 too and they have a RSS feed. Maybe in the near future you can take a look and see if something like that would work in L&L Forum. That would be SO nice. :slight_smile:

Link to DT forum: devon-technologies.com/scripts/userforum/


– MJ

Hi, I have kind of explained this several times now so this is getting a little bit like Groundhog Day… :slight_smile: The mod for this is still only a release candidate. Look here:

phpbb.com/community/viewtopi … &hilit=rss

I have no idea whether Devon-Tech are using this mod or something different, but they have a team behind them so it’s possible they created their own. I don’t know. I’m no PHP expert, and I’m not comfortable with installing a mod until it has got to a proper release, as otherwise it’s just going to take twice the time to install and then reinstall, and there’s only one of me. My focus right now is on Scrivener 1.2 rather than the niceties of the forum, which already ate up nearly a week of development time for the transfer, although, as I have said already, RSS WILL RETURN as soon as I get more time and the mods for RSS hit a proper 1.0 status.

I don’t mean to be rude, but this is the last I’m saying on the subject. If you see the above mod hit proper 1.0 status, though, be sure to let me know, and I’ll happily install it once I have time not taken up by 1.2, which takes priority over an RSS feed.

All the best,

“Strike up the music the band has begun…” ahhhh… the Pennsylvania Polka:

amazon.com/Pennsylvania-Polk … dm_ap_trk3