What happenened to the forum app startup?

The startup logo of the Android forum app was always hardly visible, now it is tiny.

I’d love to see the “open book”-animation - as used in videos - at the start of the app, ending in the L&L logo. Just because it’s beautiful.

I’m sure I’ll regret this question, but… what is this Android forum app and how is it related to Scrivener? :thinking:

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Just what I was going to ask! :laughing:

PS: I wonder if @AntoniDol is referring to the “Discourse Hub”? I’m trying it on my iPhone. Apparently also works on iPad and Apple Silicon Macs. :slight_smile:



The app I’m using to read this forum.

And this app is made by L&L? I’ve never heard of it before.

Hardly likely @November_Sierra , when they haven’t yet produced an Android version of Scrivener! :rofl: :rofl:

@AntoniDol What is your app called? That’s what we want to know. :smile:


PS It’s eaten the quote again!!!

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It’s probably a third-party app, but the “Scrivener / Wish List” category and the request for L&L to change something about it confuses me.

You know this saying, a picture paints a thousand words… it didn’t work out in this case. :smile: What am I seeing here?

Right, sorry to create so much confusion. This is a screenshot of the app I’m using to read this very forum every day. I understand other people don’t use the same app.

I don’t know who the creator of the app is, but assume Literature and Latte is involved in creating, lauching and maintaining the app. It’s recently been updated and I’m disappointed by the way the app starts, wishing for an animated intro.

I know Literature and Latte doesn’t have a Android Scrivener app at the moment. And that is not sure whether it ever will see the light of day.

Maybe someone who knows about the app can comment on this and straighten out he confusion…

We are not. There is no L&L forum app. You are using a third-party forum-reading app, and should contact its creator.

Since we use the Discourse forum software, most likely the app is provided by the Discourse people. Surely your phone will tell you where the software you have installed comes from?

Not really, I’ve been searching for that info for a while. I’ll go a look some more now I know it’s Discourse…

I’ve loaded “Discourse Hub” on my iPhone and iPad. It looks exactly like your screenshot, so I bet that’s what you’re using. But I done get any opening effects, it just goes straight to the forum.


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Except that I own a Sony Android phone and Discourse Hub looks compleyely different on Android.

Strike that. When you actually open a site, it actually looks similar.

Okay, so… How do you launch this app? There’s probably an icon for that. If you long-press the icon a context menu comes up with a little “(i)” in the top right corner. It should lead you to the “app info” overview. When you scroll down on that page there’s a menu item “Show app details in Store” (or something like that). It’ll show that app in Google Play (most likely) and some information who made it, etc.

Yeah, did that a few times already. The message is:

Something went wrong.

Try again.

Weird. Hmmm. :thinking: Maybe it’s not a “real” app after all, but just a (Chrome) shortcut.

Yes the app loads URLs, but it’s full screen, with no address bar. Could be a Chrome shortcut to the Literature and Latte site. The colours are certainly “dark roasted”.
:grin: I go try and recreate it…

Found this: Android app icon shrinking over time - support - Discourse Meta

Ok, to wrap this up. The app must be Discourse Hub, but has a L&L dark brown Theme. The icon shrinks because of a Chrome error. L&L can’t help me on an animated startup screen for the site.

Sorry for all the fuzz.