What is the max amount of labels and status you can have in a project?

I was wondering if there is a max amount of labels/status you can make in a project or if my Scrivener project is acting up.

I want to use different statuses for my different drafts, but the scroll bar seemed to have hit a limit of 27 drafts (it sounds like a lot, but each has a very specific focus, which hopefully helps me to make the story better). To do and No Status are 2 of the 27 statuses.

Is it correct the scroll bar when selecting a status for a folder/document doesn’t go further? I can make more statuses in the settings, but I can’t get past that 27th with the scrollbar.

Thanks for the help!

Important information needed:

  • Which platform: Mac, Windows…?
  • Which version of the OS?
  • Which version of Scrivener?

Platform: Windows
Scrivener 3
OS: Windows 11

As a Mac-user. I’ll leave it to the Windows-users to help you forward.


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No, on Scrivener on Windows 10 Pro, I can create up to fifty statuses, when only 47 fit the height of my screen. Scrivener adds a second column to the pop-up to show the last three…
This is the same functionality as the History pop-up, which shows up to five of those columns, making the number of usable Statuses at least 5 x 47 = 235.

I have to select the Status, move to Label and then back to the Status option from the Context menu of an item in the Binder to have Scrivener rearrange the menu in screen-high columns, but then you’ll have access to much more than 27 statuses to indicate the number of your drafts.

The same is true for Labels.


Ah, thanks for the tip! I will try this out today. I’m using the right-click option on the corkboard cards to assign labels and statuses. There it shows only the first 27 and no second column.

Good to know I can get more. Wow, 235 that is really a lot! But it will come in handy to use more than the 27 :smiley:

Nope, works exactly the same for me. Probably, because your screen is less high, you get only 27 entries in the list, but when you have more than that, you should get more than one column.

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Unfortunately I didn’t get an extra column. There was one column only, while I was working on a bigger screen.
I’ll try it again tomorrow. I now have a new laptop (the other one was… too old :smiley: ). Perhaps that also makes the difference.

Thanks for all your help!