Where Jaysen tests the patience of Mr Piggy

I’m pretty small the “like me” group is best expressed as “0 < X < 2”

At least for the sake of all humanity I hope that is the proper expression.

If you’re real, then it is. If you’re natural, a better choice’d be “0 < n < 2” :laughing:

Consider the evidence provided →

I stand by my expression.

Add to that the fact that I may be a manifestation of vic-k’s heartburn and …


Can we do a three-word-chapter? See how well the three-word-story came out? imagine how perfect a three-word-chapter would be…

What you do on your free time is up to you?

So we can get a chapter for a three-word exercise?

literatureandlatte.com/forum/vie … 15#p181943

But that wouldn’t be in NiaD4!

You can have a NiaD4.0 chapter in a couple of weeks!

Although there may not be much 3wC support. Hmm…

Mr Piggy,

I have completed construction an alternate universe for my as yet undisclosed chapter. I have several GB in imagery, 0.2TB in audio, and 0.5TB in video for supporting the chapter I intend to write. Let’s call it an even 1.0TB for simplicity. Please make room in your inbox to receive my compressed, then encrypted files.

I will, of course, give them the attention they deserve.

I’m a newbie, and getting a bit lost here. I certainly don’t have the sort of tech necessary for terabytes of audio and video, but am I right in thinking that we need to include:

A prehistoric fly
A Klingon
3 poodles
One HAW (Hairy Arsed Welder to the uninitiated)
A biplane
Alien abductions
Ben Franklin
Bill Cosby
Pocket watches
Rocky References

Or do we just pick a selection of the above?

[size=90](I should have locked this thread when I had the chance)[/size]

:smiley: :wink:

Piggy, This is what passes for success in my world. All that is missing is


But at least give me credit for the separate thread.

Preface: You just might fit in nicely in these parts.

I do believe that you have lost your way in one aspect: you need your OWN list and plot for the chapter Piggy will assign. By having your own list you will introduce the variability that will keep Piggy busy for days wishing that he would learn to say “NEVER AGAIN” and actually mean it.

And welcome to aboard. Another antagonist is always welcome. Just beware the elbows and barbed comments from your peers. We can be brutally fun. Mostly to ourselves, but on occasion the inattentive will post fodder for our cannons which we simply can not resist. But you my friend… you’ve declared yourself to be fair game from your third post. I like you.

Mr Piggy,

Muse requires that you deliver my chapter 4hr in advance since she has decided that I need to be occupied by mere “family” activities this evening. i attempted to explain to her that “NiaD4 trumps all as the universe depends on me to provide a completed work”. Her response 10" in diameter (luckily non-stick so there was not stump matter in my eggs this morning). She has persuaded me that she is right and you need to change the plan for NiaD.

I await my briefing with many lumps.

Plan #37

Uhm, what happened to plans numbered 33-37?

I’m a quick study and skipped a-head.