Where Jaysen tests the patience of Mr Piggy

This tells us that cannibalism should be my focus for this NiaD. Right Piggy?

Fortunately for us all cannibalism is not a genre. Unless plagiarism counts.

Less as a genre and more as a “make sure there are plenty of pigs eating pork or people eating hamstrings in this” type focus. :slight_smile:

If it’s spoilers you’re after, here’s a sneak peak of the cover…

That looks like the color of slightly old meat so I’m sticking to my “incorporate cannibalism” line.

To me, Its portent is patently obvious, Pangur is in agreement (for once). A picaresque novel, depicting the main protagonist’s rise from the realm of darkness and despair (the lower page) , grovelling to the wants and demands of others, forward and upward, to the light( upper page), and empowering status of self fulfilment, inflicting on others what ‘ere gives her (him?), pleasure and satisfaction.

An odyssey of self discovery, and enlightenment, by a masochist, to her (or his), rightful status as a carpetbagging sadist, comfortably ensconced amid likeminded members of the upper echelons of government.
Happy Niading
Happy New Year to all,

Thank you for your ever keen and terrifying interpretation Madam Fluff. We bow in humble reverence and admiration.