Why only Dropbox?

Hi :slight_smile:
I’ve been using Scrivener on my PC for years now, and have generally been very pleased with it.

Recently, however, I bought an iPad and thought how great it would be to be able to sync one file between them. I was a bit dismayed, however, to discover that I couldn’t do this with OneDrive, which I pay for through Office 365, and where I have loads of space available. I was stuck with Dropbox.

Dropbox is where my relatives have filled up my free account already by sharing family photos.

Is there any hope that iPad Scrivener will allow syncing with other clouds, like OneDrive? I don’t want to have to pay for more storage just because Scrivener on iPad is locked to Dropbox like that. I think I already pay quite handsomely through Office 365 for OneDrive.

Thoughts welcome…

I can’t speak for the Scrivener developers, but I am aware that Dropbox provides an API which, compared with other sync services, is more sophisticated and better serves the needs of syncing macOS “packages”. For me, Dropbox synching just works and I have time to focus on writing not syncing.

There are other posts on this forum which you can search for where people have explained their ways of synching using methods other than Dropbox.

Also see:





Thanks for the links rms.

I’ve been using OneDrive as sync from my PC for a long time without issues, but I am always careful that everything has finished doing it’s thing before I close down.

Have you tried it with Scrivener projects?

Yes. It works fine between OneDrive and my PC.

But of course I can’t get to it from the iPad.

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Same issue here. I actually would use Nextcloud if I could (I have my own cloud server). If I wanted to only use it on my Surface Pro and my laptop, it works fine. But if I add my iPhone to the mix, I basically have to use Dropbox. Ah well. At least it is free–even if it isn’t end-to-end encrypted.

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Unfortunately, Scrivener on iPad isn’t free. It costs £23.99 as a one off purchase. That’s why I am rather surprised to be locked into Dropbox only. I’ve not seen this before in paid for software.

If the app was free I might shrug and just delete it and try something else.

You’re not. Our guide to backing up iOS Scrivener projects also provides a Dropbox-free path to sharing projects with iOS Scrivener.


I backup to OneDrive, but I can’t also sync there between PC and iPad. As I understand it, for that I have to use Dropbox… unless I am a rather confused new iPad owner?

EDIT: Background info - I’ve never had an Apple device before.

As @kewms has said, there is an alternative path to using Dropbox. Follow the provided link to learn about it.

The reason for Dropbox being the only cloud option has nothing to do with the Scrivener app being paid or free. It’s simply that Dropbox is the only cloud service that reliably handles the Scrivener project package correctly. L&L shouldn’t have to give the app away for free just because other cloud services can’t handle the project package correctly.


I read it. There’s only an alternative backup route, not an alternative sync route - unless I misread the wall of text.

Please don’t twist what I said. I never said the app should be free. Only that I was surprised that a paid for app would only offer sync by one cloud service.

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A “backup” is simply a copy of the project. You can use that copy to transfer your work between whatever devices you like, whenever you like.


While this is true, it’s nowhere near as convenient as using sync. I regard backups as being, well, backups, and not working copies. They are there to make sure there is a backup in case the sync goes wrong.

Is there no way you can make room on Dropbox for that one project you want to sync?



Only by ‘deleting’ one of the folders that’s been shared with me. That’s why I started this thread. I was hoping that someone would tell me it was possible to sync through OneDrive as well as store my backups there from my PC, but apparently not.

I’m not willing to lose my pictures, so it looks like I will only write on my PC from now on.

Of course, there is another alternative - set up a second Dropbox account. I have two, one for my work and one for family sharing - that way I don’t care how many cute baby/dog photos are shared.

On my main account, by introducing friends to Dropbox I have more than the standard free tier.


That’s an idea! Do I need another email address to do that?

I would think so, as Dropbox is looking for an email address at sign in.

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Thanks very much for your help, everyone - especially @RuffPub and @JimRac :smiley:

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Just grab another gmail address and you’re good to go!