Downloading a new update every couple of weeks is no big imposition. I and many others do it and enjoy the progress being made. With every download you get a better version. If that’s too much for you, don’t use the beta.
You’re vented your impatience again and again. L&L have addressed the delay, apologized for it. Get over it, No one (other than you) has suggested Win users $ aren’t as good as Mac. Some of us have paid $ for BOTH Win and Mac versions. The program was originally developed on Mac because the owner of the company and original developer used a Mac. The Win version was developed later to satisfy that demand. No plot to put Win users at the back of the queue, just reality. Those are the simple facts as to why the Mac version is ahead of the Win. Some have suggested the Mac version development be halted to wait for the Win version to catch up. No point in the sole Mac developer sitting on his hands when he can improve the program.
‘Old timers’ have seen endless first posters whining about the delay, threatening to go elsewhere, demanding people be sacked and other consequences. If you read the other posts on the delays you’d see everything you’ve said has been said over and over again. ‘Old timers’ have dealt with L&L, respect the team and while we may be chomping at the bit and disappointed with the delay see no point in harassing the L&L team, suggesting they never intend to release V3, claiming Android will be here first and other totally unsubstantiated wild claims.
Android development depends upon the completion of the Windows project, using the same Qt tools. If you’d read the multiple posts on that you’d know.