Would anyone want to experience a Long Form Q&A with the scrivener manual?

I’d rather not hear any more from you.

I’ve not seen any false or specious statements in response to your posts. Indeed, some of the key statements testing your submissions have come with linked supporting evidence from internationally known and trusted independent sources; quite a high standard for a casual conversation on an internet forum.

Ok… [cracks fingers]

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your actual business case that addresses these question has not been entrusted to a free internet tool and is actually a thoroughly researched and empirically supported plan that would make a Harvard MBA who’s submitting his final graduate thesis proud, and that you’re purposefully choosing to not share that (because why would you share something good that works for free on the internet - dual meaning most definitely intended) in favour of choosing to illustrate how good AI is by demonstrating its abilities.

In that case, rather than address each point in turn (which wouldn’t be fair to you) here are three tests I’d apply to your response as a whole:

  1. Is it generally a convincing case that bears scrutiny?
  2. Does it illustrate the potential of the underlying technology to achieve your stated core aims?
  3. Does it at least hint at a possible future for the technology to move towards the bolder claims you’ve made in the thread?

The answer to all of these is simply “no”. While the response is grammatically correct and reads perfectly well if you glance your eye quickly over it, it is hopelessly vague, generic and derivative. The complete lack of any attempt to reach for specifics in its responses (such as where it claims you “could justify a price increase given the added value it provides”) means the answers are really just long-winded restatements of the questions I posed. Far from suggesting a future capability where this tech could write figuratively hypnotic writing that would compel a reader to keep buying, this fails to reach even the pedestrian lows of a Nigerian Prince email scam; those at least have a deliberate and actual content-based hook.

Since you’re reaching out trying to kick off a business relationship, I’d also offer you the advice that in these circumstances potential partners are also looking to find out if you are someone who would be good to work with. For example…

Are you able to articulate complex concepts clearly and concisely?

Are you collaborative in approach, welcoming of feedback and challenge?

Are you supportive and constructive with colleagues, and generally help create a pleasant team environment?

And because I believe in constructive advice, I’d suggest you’re approaching the wrong business with your idea, especially the AI assisted search aspect. Instead of individually approaching every company who has ever produced a PDF document and suggesting that AI-based search can help people find concepts instead of text strings… approach Adobe about introducing this functionality into their PDF readers so that it works for all documents, everywhere (and instantly renders any and all individual companies’ attempts to build their own redundant overnight).

Of course, to pitch that you’ll still need to answer all the previously listed question, plus one really important additional one: Why would they need you?


Can you believe that after all that work on NiaD over the years, that this damn picture of me and a horse is my most liked post?!

I should perhaps have mentioned it publicly, but if you click on their profile you’ll see they won’t be able to answer for a while—so there is probably no need to continue any threads of discussion aimed at them.

Feel free to discuss the concept of using hypnosis in documentation to… something something with “AI” (snort)… actually I don’t even understand anything in this thread. :laughing:

This is probably a good demonstration of how “like” based social media is a bit broken.


@AmberV can I suggest you do them a favour and moderate their personal email out of the first post in the thread?


I was almost too hesitant to ask, but… where did you get those horse sandwiches from?

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Here’s the thing though. For all my flippancy, I probably will buy @Vincent_Vincent ’s next book now.


There was a period of time where I was being silly enough to post on this forum when I was having some problems. Or at least I thought I was. Now - I am not so sure.

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Hey, @ThomasMcKean. I don’t understand your post. Can you explain / expand on it a little please?

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