… er-writing
Let`s start a thread of examples of our handwriting.
I would never subject anyone on this forum to a sample of my handwriting. Shivers. People have run screaming. Really!
Example of my hand writing:
The floor should definitely be carpeted.*
- This will make it a lot more plausible that the ninjas were able to drop down so quickly on the zip lines and yet so silently.
Interesting idea. As soon as I find something I’ve written which I can read, I’ll take a picture and post it.
Do not put off eating or drinking or sleeping while you wait.
(Maybe I should post one of the notes cluttering up the desk right now. One of you might be able to read it, tell me what it says.)
My experience too. People have accused me of being a (medical) doctor.
People! People! For shame! You do realise, I hope, that Le D is laughing his boney head off, because he knows you all think Dr Mulality, is a graphoanalysist, as well as psychiatrist, and will be able to see deep into the murky depths of your psyche. Let me reassure you all, he already knows more about you, than any analysis of your scribbling could reveal. So don`t be shy. In your, normal everyday hand, write.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
We already know Kev Cs handwriting is crap, but we won
t be judgemental about this, will we 8)
It’s funny that the guy with the digital pen has nothing he can provide (unless you will all sign NDA). I never realized how much the stuff in my head is simultaneously useless yet important. That explains much of the discord in the vacuum up there.
Let me see what horror I can conjure up.
It`s not feckin NaNoWrimo!!
Just write, The quick brown fox junps over the lazy dog, jeez!! tch! tch!
I would. If I had the ability to get it into the system. the stupid pen needs the damn cradle. The cradle which is not in the bag. The cradle which is last used to charge the previously mentioned pen!
So all those notes I took to distribute will not be LATE!
Talk about a bad start to a day that was already looking to be a not so pleasant day.
But that’s the problem, doctor; don’t you see? Anything we write now, to specification, knowing it’s for an audience, cannot be an honest representation of the personality – the quirks and crotchets and dreads and dares of our inner soul – the way, say, an off-hand scribble from three days ago might be. So I have, at great expense and no small inconvenience, excavated an old manuscript, and dusted off a fragment which was long ago discarded. Have at it.
As I’ve already said, we won’t be… too…judgemental, will we?
'snot fair.
Lifes a bitch :frowning: But, nowt y
can do about it. Interesting scrawlish offering though. Unlike Ioa`s faux da Vinci like, back-t-front-upside-down-inside-out cryptographic err…thingy, I can see yours being used, very effectively, to convey sentiments of the, affection/desire/undying devotion, ilk. Very nice.
This looks to me to be a personal cryptography/shorthand. If true is there significance in the variant forms of “h” in positions 7 and 9 (using getpos() method for location)?
Vic-k, note the “e” characters. This indicates that this is not a inverted written form similar to Da Vinci. You can see the same in the “h” noted above, but they could be an inverted “y” form. The “e” provides no form of inversion companion. And while Ioa has very crisp tails to the pen stroke you can see that the written direction is left to right in the first character of line 2 and most of the last line.
If we try really really hard, I’m sure we’ll manage to stay on[size=150]TOPIC[/size] tch! tch! jeezz!! wot y’ like!?