Writer of 'The Engineering of Coincidence'

Long time lurker, first time poster!

I thought I would first gush about Scrivener - it provides everything I want and need in a writing tool (apart from being able to learn the spelling for ‘Schrödinger’s’ :smiley: ) I write everything in it!

Secondly, I would like to plug my book ‘The Engineering of Coincidence: a scientific explanation of magic’ for all those people who are sick of reading Deepak Chopra-type books where ‘and then a miracle occurs’.
Real magic, real science. About the only part of it I didn’t do in Scrivener was design the cover…


[quote=“Krelleth, post:1, topic:144708”]
apart from being able to learn the spelling for ‘Schrödinger’s’

If you use Windows, paste the name into the synopsis, highlight it there, right-click and add to whatever. The editor doesn’t like smart quotes when adding a word to a personal dictionary for some or other reason. Synopsis uses straight quotes as it’s plain text.

@Krelleth: jsut reading this post. do you think you could also make your book available on retrailers other than Amazon? I hate to support them.

it’s available on loads of other platforms:
