A lot of people seem to find the blog posts I’ve written about using Scrivener for my novels useful. Unfortunately as blog posts they become horribly disconnected over the years and naturally aren’t written in any logical order.
So after lots of requests I’ve put together an ebook about how I use Scrivener in writing fiction. It’s very personal, covers outlining, writing, revising and then delivering as manuscript or ebook. The book was, of course, written entirely in Scrivener and delivered to Kindle from a compile too.
This isn’t meant to be a comprehensive ‘how-to’ guide to Scrivener. It’s very much focused on writing and developing a full length novel, and there’s a free template that goes with it (which anyone can download whether you have the book or not). You can find more details on my web site here and links to the book on Amazon US and Amazon UK:
I hope this is of use to some of you anyway. Keith was, as ever, incredibly helpful when it came to writing it, though any errors or omissions are entirely my own. I discovered quite a few new things about Scrivener along the way too.
For the record I’ve been using Scrivener since shortly after it first came out (2007 or so?). I’ve written five or six published novels in it (you stop counting after a while). The latest, The Fallen Angel, has a winding, quite sneaky narrative, one I don’t know I could have developed and managed easily in anything else. It seems to be going down well judging by the reviews http://www.davidhewson.com
So I hope this helps both users and in spreading the word about Keith’s amazing creation. If you have questions directly related to the book can I suggest you ask them on the new ‘ask a question’ bit on my web site which has just gone up for this purpose? It’s at http://www.davidhewson.com/questions/
That way they will be there in one place and people can chip in too. I’ll endeavour to get round to them when I’m not writing.
Thanks again, Keith. Now back to the book for 2013…