A kitten for Fluff.

Knowing what she has to put up with, you should think yourself fortunate, that she even looks at you.!

hmmm… now you mention it, I’m not sure…
no, wait, it was…
or maybe it wasn’t exactly the…

oh, never mind.

Yay! Everyone is happy and not mad at Cady again. :smiley:

I’m so ecstatic, I might buy a pink iPig. The cutest iPod docking station ever!

I think there are some assumption here that need to be considered.

Was anyone mad? Keep in mind Mr PS is “no one” …
Are you sure whoever might have been mad is actually no longer mad?
Which mad are we even talking about? Vic-k is clearly mad but not angry.
I know I am not happy right now (long story). Does that mean that I am over there with PS in the “nobody” category?

Whilst we are a-considering those assumption[s]:

What Cady said was

She said two separate but – from her point of view, certainly – closely related things.

  1. Everyone is happy
  2. Everyone is not mad at Cady
    That “again” is a stickler, of course. Are we read it
  3. "Everyone is happy again, and not mad at Cady.
  4. "Everyone is happy, and is not once more mad at Cady.
  5. or is it, and this I favor but cannot absolutely prove, both?
    If I am, as you assert, “no one,” then I cannot legitimately be included in everyone – that is, if “every one” is happy and I am not a “one,” I must be excluded from the grouping. (Or was it the groping? I seem to have lost track here. Never mind; it will come round again.)

However, the second time I am not a “no one” but a “nobody.” If I have been promoted (relegated?) to “nobody,” then perhaps I still am a “one” of some sort. (And whichever it is, are you sure you want to be over “there” – wherever “there” may be – at the same time?)

You assert that Vic-k is clearly mad but not angry. On what proof do you make such a claim, without at least confining it to a specific time period. I have reason to believe – privileged information which I would not publicise without specific approval of Mr. k – that he has been in the past and likely will be at times in the future and may be even now, quite sane and just a bit angry.

What was the question again?

My information is equally privileged and quite recent. He was clearly not angry but sane… that might be a stretch. We should probably ask Fluff what her take on this question really is.

To your point though, I do believe Mr K does get angry. There is recent evidence to support this. A question that I would raise as a point to further my point is “Is he still mad while angry?” Again, fluff should provide that reference.

You and I are clearly in the mad mad category though.

Not really sure. Maybe Fluff can tell us.

So many words!!!
Head hurts.
Cady is not happy anymore.
Cady is mad! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Actually, I was just looking for an excuse to buy the pink iPig.

Mission accomplished.

The new question is “what was the mission?”

In young master Jaysen’s case, it’s usually an Omission, of one description or another.
In the old curmudgeon’s case, it’s remembering where he is…and why.

Cute Piggy :wink:

And in Fluff’s case it is the sudden appearance of the sudden appearance of a sunbeam.

Flattery won’t get y’ anywhere with mousehound , Numpty.

The sad thing is, I just read this thread, to the end. Even when I realised it was no longer about cute kittens, and that reasons for upgrading old televisions were a just a temporary diversion, I kept going. And I don’t know why.

(confused, possibly mad, not angry)

No! Not sad.
Sad people make Cady mad! :smiling_imp:
So, everyone is [size=150]happy[/size]. :smiley:
(And not mad at Cady.)

The “thing” was sad, not nom. But now Cady is mad at nom, so nom is sad. Which makes Cady mad, and nom sadder (but not mad at Cady, no. Never mad at Cady).

People! Don’t worry, cheer up :smiley:hold on, cos: youtube.com/watch?v=ijZRCIrT … re=channel :wink:

PJS is now completely lost.

And nom, consider your unprovoked reading of this entire thread to be a sure sign of hope in an improved future. I am sure that your mind was going something like

About 18 seconds in, was that KB with a touch of L’Oréal?

… yeah, I’m lost.


‘Why are you all here?’ :confused: I ask myself.
Perplexed Fluff.

Cady not mad at nom. nom happy. :smiley:

To dear Jaysen: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Well. I don’t know, really.

Hey, KB is hot!
And, oh, PJS! Please please don’t get lost!

Tears in my eyes. That is the most beautiful thread I have speed-read in forever. Unwittingly transcending the forum form to become, at moments together, some kind of whack contrapuntal absurdist art form.

To such a resounding counterpoint, the forums of a nation might fall.


p.s. Best wet kitty pic I’ve seen all week.