A kitten for Fluff.

I can update that the cat does appear to be able to see the pictures on the new TV. She is particularly fond of “Meerkat Manor”.

I am now worried that Mrs Pigfender seems to be deliberately watching things that the neighbour’s cat might like.

“No, you can’t put NFL Live on, the cat is watching National Geographic HD”


…moved me to tears. 8)

…that was out loud? :open_mouth:
So, where’s the horse? No, let’s not flog that meme…
[size=50]It was there, I couldn’t resist. So sorry. :wink:[/size]

…was he the kid in the back seat?
Wait. Where are you? :question:

…nom happy. :smiley:

…I wonder if dogs and cats like the same shows? My Westie master (see pic to the right) loves wildlife documentaries, especially African ones. Or any show with cows.

(BTW, can I use the phrase “some kind of whack contrapuntal absurdist art form”? If only I could work out how to incorporate it in my thesis)

And that, Fluff, is the answer to your question…

BTW Fluff, what shows do you like on the telly?

youtube.com/watch?v=KQejeG2y … detailpage :smiley:

That Caramel Croissant Pudding lady is perfect! Cady envious. :smiling_imp:
An intriguing choice of dessert, Fluff. I’m more into nuts, though. Which might explain my ongoing fascination with peanut butter.
May I direct your feline attention to the following recipe:
Chocolate covered peanut butter balls
Needless to say, when serving, you’d better tack on “CONTAINS NUTS”. Or “HAS NUTS”. Or something of the sort. Just in case your guests have nuts allergy.


How do you think I became headless? Might that explain the number of broken sticks that that surround me providing a seemingly endless supply of clubs?

In the equine’s defense, it was a tall equine and the branches were low.

PARAFFIN WAX Cady?! :open_mouth: Saints preserve us.
Good for the bowels…eh? :wink:

Angry Fluffy

Hypnotic…isn’t it? 8)

Fluff is mad at me. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Brings to mind an old classic that I don’t think has been linked yet. These guys seem like they could be friends of Fluff.



Sweetthing, perish the thought! Fluff’s not mad at Cady. Fluff likes Cady :smiley:

Ah, 'tis the fair Katherine. I see you’ve met my in-laws. I avoid them like the plague :frowning: (given the chance).
Take care

Grrrr. The neighbour’s cat left a nice long scratch down one side of my face this morning because she wasn’t ready to get up when my alarm went off.

(she had let herself in and decided to sleep on my bed)

Last time I buy a TV for a cat, I can tell you.

Fluff’s cousin?

Everyone knows that cats will not speak English.
What’s required for owners is to learn Cat.
A language of gestures, grimaces, and glances.
In our experience, it takes about 10-12 years per feline.

Mr. Munro would have you believe otherwise, although, as he finally admits, the results can be little short of disastrous.


Exxxcuuuuuse me!
If I don’t speak English, how the hell am I going to communicate with vic-k? Are you all implying vic-k is a linguist. He barely understands his native tongue as it is. If I speak slowly,very slowly, he usually gets the gist of it.
Take care
Fluff (English Speaker)

I rest my case.


Vic, and his many personae, are on record in this forum as conversing fluently in English, French, Italian, Pirate, Feline, and let’s not forget Low Mancunian.

I think this sums it up

Amateur cat. The pro always pukes on a threshold, so that someone is bound to step in it.