I saw a request for floating the editor but I would like to take it further and ask that it be EXTRA MINIMAL. Just white space on a floating editor that also had an option to be transparent. I mean this is a wishlist right? Thank you Scrivener.
How doesn’t the Composition Mode fullfill every of your wishes?
The way that it doesnt fulfill is that I dont want to be tied to Scrivener Composition Mode.
Just want to float a simple editor. Float concept doesnt tie you to composition.
Then, how about ScratchPad?
Use a QR panel—as many as you like. You can float to your heart’s content. Between screens too.
It’s not transparent though. I like to see what I’m working on. I don’t like typing over a bed of roses or over Warhammer of Wrath or whatever—that not minimalist, it’s mind-numbing.
I know I’m being silly here, but what is a “QR Panel”?
Quick Reference panel. Launch from the Binder by tapping the spacebar.
Thanks. In well more than a decade of writing with Scrivner–neither saw nor used this feature. Thanks.
I am a QR panel evangelist.
For me, they are, by far, the #1 game-changing improvement of v3 over v1.
See my two posts in this thread for my typical Scrivener layout, which assumes and is dependent on QR panels. Particularly, my second post in that thread links to posts with more screenshots.
Even if you decide they’re not for you, they will hopefully give you ideas about the possibilities that QR panels provide.