I’ve understood that the new Scapple 1.5 would launch with the MacOS 15.1. What is the situation?
It should be ready soon (hopefully within the week), we just have to finish up the last few details (namely the official release of Writing Tools is different from the “release candidate” OS, and broke some of the stuff we were doing with it).
Don’t ya just love Apple’s last minute changes!
Seriously, don’t call it a release candidate if it’s a vague idea! We had a good plan with using the “make list” tool to break out a selection of text into stacked notes, and it was working well, but now it just makes “bullets” in a note which is kind of useless in a program that doesn’t do bullets. Ah well, hopefully there is a way around it!
Paraphrasing Victor Hugo: ?
Can we use the last beta until new vesrion is ready?
Any update on the release?
L&L usual policy is you’ll know when it’s released.
Any news about the new Scapple?
As above! twenty characters later.
It’s out, finally! Here are the details.