I have a friend with a Chromebook. Because she writes a poem a day, keeping organized is a challenge. I suggested Scrivener, because that’s how I keep my 1066 poems organized. She said it doesn’t work on Chromebook? Is that true?
Hi clearskye. Your friend is correct. There is no supported version of Scrivener for Chromebooks at this time.
Some of the users in our forum report successfully installing Scrivener for Windows on a Chromebook using Crossover
I haven’t done that, so I can’t speak to how well it will work.
It also doesn’t have any official support, so your friend would need to chat with another user who has done it for tips if they encountered any issues.
Depending on the model of Chromebook, RAM, Storage etc, it is often possible to replace the ChromeOS with Linux.
You could then run Linux Mint/Lutris to install the Windows version.
As above, it’s not supported, so no guarantee it would all work.
For many years, I ran Windows-Scriv using Crossover on my Macs. It’s a couple of years since I stopped needing to, but it worked well; the only thing was having to disable the text-to-speech.
Presumably Crossover runs well on a Chromebook, but I’ve no experience of that. They have just announced Crossover 25, based on Wine 10.