Can't change the background of the arrows on the Binder

After I got to upload the White Theme into my Scrivener and did some personalizations for the theme I want to work with, I noticed the background color for the binder I chose did not transfer over to the background of the drop arrows themselves.
This is what I mean:

How can I remedy this?

So, you want the white Theme, but a black Binder background-color?

On the Windows platform, you’ll have to adjust the Binder background-color to black or transparent in the QSS-Stylesheet of the White Theme:

Up­date the color code to match the one in the Ap­pear­ance op­tions at the bot­tom of the sec­tion where Tree­View::branch se­lec­tors are gath­ered:

QTree­View::branch:se­lected:!ac­tive {
     back­ground-color: black;

and the Binder will look in one piece again.
Al­ter­na­tively, set the back­ground for the Binder in the QSS Stylesheet to trans­par­ent:

QTree­View::branch:se­lected:!ac­tive {
      back­ground-color: trans­par­ent;

and the Binder will look in one piece again, as well.

This may be of interest too:

Hope this helps