Can't get video tutorials to work

When I click on a video tutorial, nothing happens other than a page displaying that title. There is nothing to obviously click on to start the video, and clicking around on everything yields nothing.

I’ve seen many of them in years past. They should still be relevant, and likely don’t need updating. So how do we get to them?

Scrivener 3.3.6, MacOS 15.1.1, MBP M3

Any specific ones? Just tried An Introduction to Scrivener - Literature & Latte and it works as expected.

I tried two. Let me try that one and report back. Thanks.

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Nope. No go. I’ll reboot.

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They’re all broken for me, too. Just now, on my iPhone, iOS 18, in both Firefox and Safari.

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Reboot yielded no help. This is on Safari under 15.1.1.

I’ll try Chrome and report back.

Not working under Chrome, either.

They are ‘accessible’ (sort of) on YouTube, but searching for something specific on YT is like eating soup with a fork.

Yeah, I see what you mean. Doesn’t work in Safari.

No problems with Brave (Chromium). :thinking:

That’s what Firefox Developer Tools have to say about it (those videos also don’t work in Firefox for me):

I have a sneaking feeling, since multiple browsers are having trouble with this, that the break is a Scrivener issue. Stuff happens. Not a fault, only a temp glitch, I’m sure.

Being evening in London, as vigilant as I know Keith’s crew to be, I’d be very impressed if they took a peek at this before Wednesday.

No problem, they are typically very vigilant, one of many reasons to throw in with Scrivener.

Not so fast. It’s an embedded Vimeo player in an iframe.

If you try the source URL, e.g., it works just fine in Safari and Firefox.

That’s likely browser security related. Maybe embedding the videos this way isn’t recommended anymore.


What I mean is it is a problem created by others, that is then necessary for Scrivener to deal with. Likely the bane of their existence.

It’s just the way of the world. To stay relevant, an app needs to roll with the changes made by others. Scrivener is very good at that.

Works fine for me in FIrefox and I have that locked down tight with security features and adblockers & anti-trackers.

When I have had similar issues to these on other sites it is because my default setting in Firefox is “Block audio and video”. (I have an explicit rule for Literature and Latte to allow audio and video.)

That said the individual tutorial pages are a tad slow in bringing the video up but it does play.

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Good point. I killed my ad blocker on Safari for the L&L site.

No change. Still nothing.

But Sequoia has been the buggiest OS I’ve ever seen, and I would imagine a lot of curse words flying as Scrivener and others try to roll with the punches.

It works fine for me in Brave, too, and the same could be said regarding tracking protection and stuff. But it should work for the average Joe in every browser. Which it currently doesn’t.

This may be true (I haven’t encountered a single problem, yet), but Firefox should be completely unaffected by Sequoia.

Right. The issue is likely not Sequoia, per se, but how it interfaces with the Sequoia version of Safari, among issues with it and other browsers.

I think Apple screwed the pooch, and maybe tried to get AI to rewrite their code!


That would be like asking a 4-yr-old to summarize the Dec of Independence.

I’m 99% certain that, if there’s a correlation, it would only affect Safari. Chromium and Firefox do their own thing and the only way I could imagine macOS interfering is on a fundamental “looks suspicious, don’t launch the app at all” level. Or a graphics glitch in Metal, but this is clearly a browser security issue. *

* Either Vimeo’s problem or the way the player is embedded by L&L.

Currently fine for me, using Vivaldi (which is built on the Chrome engine) under Sonoma.

Not working under Safari on the same system, even when I disable blockers. I’ll ping our web people.


:white_check_mark: Brave Browser (173.97) on macOS 15.1.1 (24B91) *
:x: Safari 18.1.1 (20619. on macOS 15.1.1 (24B91)
:x: Firefox 133.0 (13324.11.21) on macOS 15.1.1 (24B91)

* Chromium