The current Paddle problems are the only thing that prevents me from upgrading my 2016 license to Scrivener 3. I would very much prefer a software product with a different copy protection model, if there must be one at all.
There are at least two alternative routes I have seen at work elsewhere:
a license that is not dependent on computer hardware or an always-running license server, but is tied to a USB dongle, so that the software can be installed as many times as desired, but runs only on the computer where the USB dongle is plugged in
a public-key activation code that encodes the customer’s name, and can’t be changed or deleted without disabling the software. This could be offered to customers with verified names/addresses, and it would prevent them from disseminating the software without leaving a trail back to them.
Either of these solutions would not only avoid the aforementioned inconvenience of Paddle locking out legitimate customers, it would also make sure that the software keeps running even if LL or Paddle goes belly-up.
I would gladly pay twice the current list price for either version desribed above, and I can’t be the only one who feels that way, am l?
I believe both Scrivener 1 and Scrivener 3 use license provider Paddle, so you are already working under that licensing scheme. Moving or not moving to Scrivener 3 makes no difference to that.
No, I’m not working under that licensing scheme. Paddle was only introduced after version 1.9.9, which means I could solve my problems by rolling back to a version that does not use Paddle.
Looking at Scivener 1’s version history, you might notice that L&L never managed to solve the licensing code problems:
Not with 1.9.13, not with 1.9.14, not with 1.9.15, not with 1.9.16, not with 1.9.16. All of which were attempts to resolve “a critical issue with our 3rd party Paddle software.”
I see no reason to believe that Scrivener 3 will be any different in this regard.
Well, no, you couldn’t. The reason why we switched to Paddle was that our former provider, ESellerate, folded. The activation server that a pre-Paddle version would need to contact no longer exists.
A dongle would force us to have a mechanism to ship physical objects to users located anywhere in the world, including in places without reliable mail service. It would impose additional per-copy costs and, since physical objects can be lost or stolen, would require some kind of key replacement/recovery mechanism. Moreover, Apple in particular is somewhat notorious for arbitrary changes to the ports supplied with each generation of hardware, so we’d need to have a mechanism to roll out new dongles as needed. On the user side, most corporate environments flat out prohibit unapproved peripheral devices, and many individuals are justifiably suspicious of them. There’s a reason why few software suppliers use this approach.
How would a public key activation scheme support license transfers and revocations?
I for one would not! While I consider Scrivener to be a bargain, paying twice as much for dubious alternatives doesn’t cut it.
I have been with Scrivener for many years with Mac, Win and iOS licences (prior and current versions) and have never had a hiccup and have other software that uses the Paddle process, also no issues.
I suspect the vast majority of users are the same. While the issue must be frustrating for those (small minority?) impacted turning the whole process on its head and doubling cost is not the answer.