I love Scrivener. There’s nothing else like it. No others software gives me as many ways to look at a large project and tackle it—and to work in with other software (Aeon Timeline, PWA, iThoughts) when I need to. Ordinary Compile handles everything I want from output—I have no interest in the various MMD->{strange postprocessing format} compile options.
I also love Markdown and Multimarkdown, enough that I’ve switched to using a Markdown-based iOS editor via External Folder sync.
With those preferences in mind, I have to say that the “Convert Multimarkdown to rich text in documents and notes” compile option is a disappointment. Not that I haven’t found ways to work around it, but there it is.
This works only if I use an “as-is” section layout. In general, I don’t.
MMD constructs that actually work with a general (read: built-in) Scrivener compile format (tested with the Modern format, Titled Section layout):
- Italics
- bold
- Markdown images
- external links
- MMD Tables
- Bulleted and numbered lists
- Footnotes might work if I really needed them and I had time to play with them. (But Scrivener inline footnotes work with no problems if the double-braces format is used on sync export, so why bother?)
On the other hand, these MMD constructs don’t work with a general Scrivener compile format:
- Inline code.
- Code blocks.
- Block quotes.
- Heading levels
These features either change paragraph formatting, or font, or both. They are destroyed by any section layout other than “as-is”—even if there’s a corresponding named style in the compile format. (I’m looking at you, block quote. You too, Heading 1.)
In short, I’m forced to a mix of Scrivener styles and MMD. Block quotes are particularly painful. Needless to say, if I edit any styled paragraph with my external Markdown editor, the styling is removed on the return trip to Scrivener and must be re-applied.
What I’d like to see for this option in future is the ability to somehow connect a style in the compile format to an MMD construct. In the meantime—I put up with it to have my Markdown editor on iOS, and glorious Scrivener structuring on Mac.
Thanks for your time reading my rant.