When I double-click on a word, both the word and the punctuation adjacent to it are selected. A double-click should only select the word. If I choose to replace a name with a pronoun in a quote, selecting the name shouldn’t select the quotation mark. For example, if I want to replace “Harry went south.” with “He went south.”, and double-click Harry, currently I must then type "He to replace it; I should only need to type He.
In LIbreOffice, in Word, or even a text-editor, double-clicking Harry doesn’t select "Harry. This is the “standard” behavior.
I reported that some versions ago, here; they gave me a bug number, but it isn’t solved yet. Sorry, Devin, if you are reading this thread, but I have to report it again. As andrewbond said, the standard behaviour in any word processor or text editor is selecting the word without any punctuation preceeding or following it. I often have to select a word next to an opening or closing quote, or both, and I must click and drag the selection to be certain that only the word is selected. Very uncomfortable.
It’s inconsistent because it only seems to be a problem with single and double Smart quotation marks.Turn off Smart quotes and the problem goes away, but generally we want to use smart quotes so that would seem to be the bug that needs resolution.
If you use smart quotes in any word processor (Word, LibreOffice Writer, …) double-clicking a word selects in any case only the word, without extending the selection to the quotation mark. So, Scrivener’s behaviour is inconsistent with any word processor; as we already remarked, it’s also very uncomfortable.
My WIP uses different fonts to distinguish one character’s handwriting from another. I need the editor to be as close to what the manuscript will be as possible–I use “as is” when I compile to accomplish this rather than having Scrivener convert everything to Times Roman.
Additionally, if I depend on Scrivener to change “typewriter quotes” to “curly quotes” I also lose the different quotation marks from other languages that my characters occasionally speak: „ “ ‛ , « » ‹ ›. All quote marks get converted to the system language. Hunting through 90K words to reapply the correct marks is a chore since Scrivener doesn’t distinguish « from ".
I had really hoped this would get fixed in Scrivener 3, as well as the abysmal autocorrect. That doesn’t seem to be the case, which is disappointing. I literally couldn’t care about a single new feature if they can’t fix those two things—they’re the #1 reason I would go back to MS Word. I certainly won’t buy a new Scrivener version that doesn’t have that fix.