Feature request: Quick Preview

Sometimes I am making formatting changes and want to quickly check the resulting PDF or EPUB - for example a title page that needs to look right.

This is a now multistep procedure, even if the options are remembered and just need confirmation:

  1. Select compile.
  2. Confirm options.
  3. Confirm export.
  4. Confirm replace file.
  5. Open in application.

What I’d like is a quick way to do all this by simply selecting a new option: Quick Preview. What this does is use the remembered settings, export into a temporary file and open it in the default application.

Addtionally, I’d like this available from the context menu in the binder, so that I can select an individual chapter and quickly preview it.

If you need this, that may be a sign that you’ve reached the point in the project where a true WYSIWYG tool might be a better choice than Scrivener.

A +1 from me. At least for my use case Scrivener’s programmatic markdown processing does not necessitate a WYSIWYG external tool at all, yet still benefits from quick iteration.

Anyway there is a workaround, given that Scrivener does remember the last state of the compile. You can simply automate the dialogs. I use BetterTouchTool to add a custom keybinding to Scrivener (and where I use CAPS LOCK as a hyper key) and [^hyper][b] to build my project quickly:

You can see this simply selects the menu and automates pressing enter with a delay on each dialog (BTT can also use images for automation, so it can find buttons based on their pixels, but simply automating the keyboard is good enough). I could run a script to open the output, or do some other post-build tasks.

nontroppo> Many thanks for this tip! I will keep it in mind.

kewms: But I really, really like Scriviner! And I’ve paid for a license! A little tweak like this will make it even better for me.

As for “reaching a point”, I don’t work in a “waterfall” way, with all the writing done for ever and then the problem is output. I write a little and see if it the outcome looks the way I can respect. If it doesn’t then I might have to tweak some formatting options. Better to do that early and avoid a “big bang” later. So for me the turnaround time of tweak-and-test is important, a little like the debug cycle in SW development.

If I had ignored the output when I was investigating tooling, I probably would have gone for Reedsy and then only after months of work discovered that I couldn’t produce a copyright page to fit my needs.

There are a couple of existing threads worth looking at, as much of this has been discussed already:

  • One click compile
  • Compile: disable replace (note, I posted a Keyboard Maestro macro to this one, for Mac users. I believe there may be an AutoHotKey script for Windows users floating around as well, but I don’t have the URL in my notes).

But as an aside on ePub, when I’m doing fine tweaks like that I do them in an ePub editor, such as Sigil. Such changes appear in real time in the preview pane, and so I can very quickly get a look I like, and then take what I changed back to Scrivener, doing one compile to confirm it worked the way I expected.

This is the approach I take for almost everything. I compile once, and then revise and tweak on the intermediary or final file, making the change in Scrivener as I go. I typically at most only compile two or three times for what would probably be dozens of compiles if I didn’t work that way. Why spend accumulated hours waiting for compile when most editing environments provide real-time feedback? And if you’re reducing how often you compile, then things like confirming overwrite become far less of a point of friction.

For PDF I can’t really help you there, except to say you’ll get a better result by creating PDFs from other programs anyway (where all of the above applies), so that’s a bit of an awkward one to begin with.