Has Windows Version 3 Been Scrapped?

Attempting to get the thread somewhat back on track…

Scrivener is designed to make very efficient use of whatever resources are available to it. That’s one of the benefits of the Scrivener approach of breaking a project into smaller chunks: Scrivener only has to load whatever you’re actually editing. And the actual editing is just manipulating text – which is very fast – rather than the real time page layout tasks that something like Word has to do.

The most demanding tasks in Scrivener are Compiling complex documents, building a large Scrivenings session, and doing a ZIP backup of a large project. As you approach the limits of whatever hardware you’re using, you’re likely to see performance issues in these tasks first.

This means that Scrivener itself will run on a lot of less-than-current hardware, provided it supports a Scrivener-compatible operating system.


FWIW, there appear to be no major showstoppers for Scrivener with the current Big Sur beta.


Katherine, thank you. I admire your courage! And your indication of why Scrivener can work well on older systems highlights part of what’s so great about it: breaking a complex project into chunks, and then being chunk-focused, while the rest of the project sits comfortably in your creative waiting room, reading your old magazines and staring at the vending machines.

Ack. I didn’t realise that all the forums were about the Mac, including the Windows one.

Hi! I’m Mel, the author of the first post. Someone backlinked to the post in this thread which is driving traffic to my site, so I wanted to see what the discussion was about.

First - and I realize I didn’t actually mention this in the post - I did try the beta. I was put off by all the warnings not to save my project in the beta or risk losing it. I didn’t see the point in using the beta when the program couldn’t guarantee my project would be saved securely.

Second - not trying to be precious here - I don’t appreciate my writing process being called an “abysmal kludge.” That’s beyond rude. Might seem primitive to you, but handwritten scene cards are helpful for me. Much more helpful than Scrivener’s cards, which I often forgot about and left to sit gathering dust somewhere in the binder.

Finally, as someone else here posted, different strokes for different folks. I used Scrivener for almost a year and loved it. Which you would know had you actually read the full post. Heck, even the first two lines. But I need something that works across devices, and I, like many, are tired of waiting for this update. I don’t deserve to be put down for that.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Hi! I’m Mel, the owner of this site and author of this post. Thanks for reading and linking here. I’ve gotten quite a few clicks from this forum so I really appreciate it.

You’re not reading properly Lunk. If you took a second to think before jumping to conclusions, you’d see that @melleesmith means they were the author of the first post in @entheo’s list.

Thanks for the explanation @melleesmith. As you say, best to use whatever tools suit your writing best. It’s also best to ignore the people here who liberally critique the writing styles and working habits of others, though I can perfectly understand your wish to respond to ad hominem attacks.

For me, Scriv3 will be worth the wait, though I primarily work on a Mac so am less affected by the delays.

II fully expect that Version 3 will be released. When is another matter. I’m thinking the heat-death of the universe will be involved. Expect the announcement in December that the release imminent in December 2025.

I feel like we’re really close to v3 being completed. Fingers crossed, anyway. I’ll happily keep using the beta until that day comes. :slight_smile:

Oh but it was! You could argue whether or not it was a “promise”, but I distinctly remember the announcement “Coming in 2018”. Those words about Scrivener 3.0 for Windows were written on this website.

On a serious note: I really would like to congratulate all the people who stayed around all these years despite the fact that they were unable to use Scrivener and write their books. Admirable! I would have buggered off a long time ago to find my match.

Doesn’t Win Scriv 1.9 work anymore? Did it stop working all those years ago? That’s news to me. :open_mouth:

And I suppose you have proof of that? I don’t recall seeing anything that set a hard date and I’ve looked.

Maybe not quire what you’re looking for, but look here: Scrivener 3 Windows Release - #2 by Argoed

Before releasing v.3 for Mac. September 2016.

That’s not quite a promise, of course. Still. It was four years ago, and the Windows v.3 was expected ~half a year after the Mac v.3

Thing is, you need to dig really deep to find anything, because this has been going on for several years. :slight_smile:

People have been complaining about the lack of communication for two years now. That’s because there was an understanding that Windows v.3 was expected to be released in 2018 (most probably because of the “likely to be a good six months” after the Mac release). I can’t remember if I participated in any discussions to try and dig out more, it was so long ago. :slight_smile:

Then there was also this: literatureandlatte.com/blog … rses-mouth

Sounds like a promise to you? :slight_smile:

And there was this: literatureandlatte.com/blog … gic-number (notice it’s from year 2017).

Seeing how “highly likely” argument has been enough of a reason for international economic sanctions, I’d say “likely” sounds like a promise. :slight_smile: However, in this particular case there have been several “likely” estimates, which means they don’t know themselves. which is probably okay. Who knows what might have come up, what difficulties. Porting to another platform is not an easy feat.

Still, people are frustrated, and it’s understandable. It’s been going on for several years, with all these - yes - promises. Myself, I’ve tried beta and quite liked the look and feel. However, it expiring every two weeks or so without any obvious way to at least fetch settings to reinstall, made me uninstall for good after the third iteration.

Back in 2018 I left for Typora and Writer+ (because Linux & Android). And when the quarantines & lockdowns started, I decided to go look at what was the state of affairs in the Scrivener kingdom. :slight_smile: Imagine the laughing fit I had, when I saw that no v.3 was still released, no estimates given, and people were still complaining about it. :slight_smile:


Not so much “whoosh” as amplification.

If you feel the forum rule (“Be polite.”) is being violated, there’s a “report” button on every post.

If you find the “tone” of a particular thread to be unpleasant, but still within the limits of politeness, you should feel free to ignore it or, even better, to start your own thread. Be the culture you want to see in the forum.


I’m new here. I used Scrivener waaaaay back on a little Windows based Toshiba when Scrivener was just in diapers. But enough back story, which was only a lead-in to say that I really liked that program for my writing and was hoping it would be a viable program to return to.

Flash forward to today. After looking at the L&L website I was confused as to the release date of Scrivener 3. So I found myself at this forum and thread and was truly amazed at how unprofessionally this company portrays itself. Semantics plays a part in the argument over whether L&L actually says there’s going to be a Scrivener 3, or if it’s only implied. I can tell you it makes no difference because the consumer (myself) is led to believe there WILL be a release. But therein lies the confusion because it’s been on the back burner for years…YEARS…and that undermines confidence not only in the actual release, but in the capabilities of the Dev Team. The only impression I get is that L&L markets itself through scheming and shady advertising. And if this is how the topic is handled, through opinionated and chaotic forums, then I can only assume that any attempts at finding assistance for true and related technical concerns will not be easily accessed.

Bottom line- Unless someone can assure me that the customer experience (which is valued so highly by myself and other consumers) isn’t going to be a nightmare, and that L&L will act ethically and with integrity by giving truthful updates to it’s customer base, then I will pass on Scrivener. It’s not so much about the product as the customer service and experience. Please wake up L&L and give me some hope.

The vast majority of posters in this thread (or in the forums generally) are not Literature & Latte employees and speak only for themselves.

The official position of Literature & Latte regarding Windows Scrivener 3 is as follows:

  • We know it’s very late. We apologize.

  • Because we have missed release dates in the past, there will be no further proposed release date announcements. Regular status updates can be found in the Windows Scrivener 3 beta forum. Many people have been using the beta for important work for some time now. Anyone who wishes can download it and evaluate its status for themselves.

  • Rest assured, however, that active development of Windows Scrivener 3 is ongoing, and we intend to release it as soon as we believe we can.

Does that clarify things?


Hello Hyker,

Windows Scriv customer here.

While there are most definitely a few opinionated and chaotic threads, if you spend a little time looking through the forums, I think you’ll find they–mostly–consist of rather mundane* posts by users and L&L staff helping other users with technical and usage questions.

*That is, unless you’re like me, and you enjoy reading that sort of thing for relaxation. :blush:

Also, I’ve been using the Windows v3 beta quite happily as my full-time writing since late last year. It is most definitely being actively developed.
