Windows 10 20H1(2004)
Yeah you’re right!
Searching more, I find some users are saying about the word-break, It seems that it’s possible on MAC or iOS, but not on Windows.
pls help this problem.
In korean word, the writing system is optimized for word unit-line breaking .
This means. for example.
war never chages, war never
Like this.
If the word is breaked because line is done, in english thats weird the word is broken.
But in korean word(maybe chines or japnese. the asian word system) that is more weird.
So many programs, like ‘ms word’ support this line changing systems for asian culture.
but i can’t find this support for scrivener.
I saw the patch not…
Hello, I am Korean.
It is a unique characteristic of Korean, and we like to change lines in the middle of words.
For example, Microsoft Word also applies this option by default. Please refer to the picture.
It is even applied by Mac Monterey Scrivener3 and Windows Scrivener1 by default.
What we want is not merely justified text.
Please add this text-editing option.
(I am a Korean user and this is a Google translated. I hope you can read this awkward English…T_T)
‘word-break’ option—.
I don’t know which vocabulary is right, but this is related to the paragraph align.
This option is difficult to explain with translated sentences(but I believe you can understand).
This is an option to ‘split by letter’ or ‘keep by word’ for the word at the end of a long sentence that exceeds the width of the paragraph.
In other words, it is a property that determines whe…
And from another communities, I found many koreans are complaining about this, but there seems to be no solution.
As much as I really like Scrivener, so sad about this